42 years of total bullshit on climate change – IOTW Report

42 years of total bullshit on climate change

Dan Rather spreads fear in this 1982 CBS News report featuring a young and stupid Al Gore, predicting that 25% of Florida will be underwater.

29 Comments on 42 years of total bullshit on climate change

  1. Remember that Oscar presentation to that overfed fat fuck Al Gore for this Climate BS?

    Standing ovation, minus one Jack Nicholson, who sat in that front row in his dark glasses, proudly denying such horseshit. Go Jack.

  2. Stupid Al Gore predicted FL would be UNDERWATER.
    Hold him to his crappy prediction:
    hold Al Gore’s head underwater.
    So he can profit from all his wrong, crappy predictions no more.

  3. I saw Soylent Green in the theater when I was eight in 1973. The world had gone to shit by 2022 because of overpopulation and global warming. People have been serving up this climate alarmist bullshit propaganda for longer than 42 years.

  4. Global cooling – warming cLIEmate change. Oceans lowering – rising staying the same. Plymouth rock isn’t over/under water. more less hurricanes. more less climate related deaths. EVs are the solution an overpriced inconvenient rolling cellphone. The science is settled!

  5. Craft a “crisis.”
    Announce a “solution” to that “crisis.”
    The “solution” calls for less freedom, less Liberty, mo money.
    Utopia is just around the corner, just around the bend, just beyond the “crisis.”

    Rinse and Repeat.

    The modus operandi of tyrants forever. It’s a shame that history isn’t taught, anymore.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It was formulaic bullshit from the get go. It was so scripted and choreographed that I recognized the pattern before my teen years. Any time the data, all of the data, including the raw data and 100% of the methodology is not being disclosed, you are being played. Played for a sucker.

    Each and every “crisis” is met with demands for YOU, not them, to give up something. The very minute they exempt anyone, particularly themselves, there is total and complete lack of any sincerity and whenever the fucking gas bags are using their phony baloney concern to project altruism and feigning indignation when they are called out on it that is as good as a total confession on their part.

    It is a scam and we have seen it play out over, and over, and over and it although the pretext changes, the methodology never does.

    Then, when you examine the messengers and consider what they are presenting in context of everything they have ever been involved in, the only way to believe is to suspend all ability to recognize patterns of behavior and ability to reason. It actually isn’t about believing, it is about feeling and it’s the same fucking idiots who defer to their precious feelings and then demand that others do likewise. Not defer to your feelings, defer to their feelings and if you don’t then you are morally deficient.

  7. What is the earth’s temperature? What should the earth’s temperature be? Do you use an oral or rectal thermometer when taking the earth’s temperature? Where do you stick the thermometer?
    Asking for a friend.

  8. The entire climate change scam has always been about redistributing wealth, globalization and destroying capitalism (which means world wide communism). This has been admitted multiple times by the UN apparatchiks in unguarded moments for many years.

    “Ottmar Edenhofer, a German economist and co-chair of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate Change (say that twice), told the Neue Zurcher Zeitung last week: “The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War.” After all, redistributing global wealth is no small matter.

    Edenhofer let the environmental cat out of the bag when he said “climate policy is redistributing the world’s wealth” and that “it’s a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization.”


    It has always been an obvious grift by lying, globalist scum to destroy America and Western Civilization. Supposedly, government needs much more money in the form of taxes to lower the temperature of the planet by 1.5 degrees Celsius. Any person capable of critical thinking knows intuitively that the sun (which accounts for 99.86% of the mass of our solar system) is the most significant factor in the temperature of earth.

  9. Climate change requires complete ignorance (real or feigned) of photosynthesis, something I learned in 3rd grade (which Brandon flunked).

    PS Didn’t Albert Gore The Living Redwood challenge the election of 2000? If so, why wasn’t he prosecuted?

  10. Thinking about time… ehh… never mind that I’m not stoned. Mid 70s we were all gonna die in the new ice age unless we went commie. In the late 80s it turned into global warming (had to let a few years slide by so folks forgot the earlier oopsie). That con never left. Terrible con, if you believe it you give up and surrender, cuz, you gonna kill the planet just cuz you breathe! CO2! Never mind CO2 plus plants equals oxygen ya fucks. No CO2 no plants, no plants no oxygen, no oxygen no animals. Is that the idea? If it is, count me out, I’m an animal.

    We could stop it all in a minute, just by going commie. Let’s not.

  11. Over at substack, el gato malo (@boriquagato) has a particularly apt article today: rock me like a hurricane. I can’t tell if non-subscribers can access it or not (I’m a subscriber) but it’s worth a try and a read. Short recap: Looking back at the 50 or so years we have of weather satellite data, there is no trend at all for increased number or severity of hurricanes. This is of particular interest to “el gato malo” because he lives in Puerto Rico.

    He ends up with a great cartoon.

  12. And that fat prick is living in a mansion in Tennessee, laughing his ass off as he counts the millions he scammed with his complete bullshit. Remember when he pushed ethanol to try to get votes from farmers? It does nothing for gas and only increases production costs. Climate Change is the perfect straw man because you can’t prove anything one way or another. Just another way to take more money from taxpayers.

  13. “We’re ALL gonna die ! ! !”

    Well, yes, Dan and Al, we are all going to die,
    so enjoy and be thankful for the blessings God
    has given you; or else, may SMoD rain down upon
    your dunderheads.

  14. @Shang

    Where do you stick the thermometer?

    They stick a huge thermometer into the world’s most active volcano. That’s where they get their global warming data.

    The idea originated with Pete Buttigeig, who is pretty familiar with that type of thing.


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