Different Threat, Same Giggling Joe – IOTW Report

Different Threat, Same Giggling Joe

Patriot Retort: Remember in 2012 during the Vice Presidential Debate when Giggling Joe Biden got a big old laugh over Paul Ryan warning about threat posed by Russia?

Oh, hahahaha!  Please! Like Russia is a threat! Hardy-har-har-har!!

Biden spent most of that debate mugging for the cameras, rolling his eyes and making a general ass of himself.

And not much has changed, I’m afraid.

Sure, now Joey-Come-Lately is worried about Russia.

But when it comes to the threat posed by China, Giggling Joe thinks that too is a big old joke.

Yesterday in IJOWA, Biden got all mocking and smug over President Trump’s hard stance against our number one geopolitical foe.  MORE

6 Comments on Different Threat, Same Giggling Joe

  1. Joe & 0bama are going to have to explain what they knew about the Ukraine involvement in framing Trump with the fake Russian dossier.

  2. Joe never misses the opportunity to publicly demonstrate his utterly clueless views on threats facing the nation. With idiots like him in the upper strata of government it’s a mystery to me how this country has managed to avoid being incinerated by now.

  3. Laugh it up, Malarkey boy. The OPM hack by the Chinese netted them millions of government employee records, and it happened on your watch. And now the cyber security guy who was supposed to prevent things like the OPM hack, Samir Jain, is working for Chicom corp Huawei. Funny, funny stuff.


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