Trump Likely to Pick Scalia’s Son for Labor Secretary – IOTW Report

Trump Likely to Pick Scalia’s Son for Labor Secretary


Epoch Times:

WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump is likely to pick Eugene Scalia, the oldest son of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, to be the secretary of labor, Politico reported first on Thursday, citing three unnamed sources.

Scalia would replace Alex Acosta in the role.

Acosta announced he would step down last week, after an outcry over his handling of a sex abuse case involving financier Jeffrey Epstein when Acosta was a U.S. prosecutor in Florida. Epstein was arrested in New York on new federal sex trafficking charges on July 6.


Trump confirmed his nominee Thursday night on Twitter, saying that Scalia had as a lawyer “great experience working with labor and everyone else.”  more here

7 Comments on Trump Likely to Pick Scalia’s Son for Labor Secretary

  1. Not so sure about this. Why didn’t the family want an investigation into the fathers very suspicious death? It had podesta and clinton and deep state stink all over it.

  2. So, is he a chip of the old block or a rebellious child that went against everything his father stood for?
    How easily he gets the position may just tell us the answer.

  3. @ A.Moose

    When Scalia’s family pushed for an investigation, they got the standard Deep State reply, “An investigation won’t bring back your father and it may not benefit his family.”

    The same sh!t answer was forced on Vince Foster’s daughter.

    The Kennedy family talked the Kopechne family out of an autopsy for Mary Jo. Plus, blood money changed hands.

    These criminals make me sick getting away with murder.

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