Worst Journalist of the Year, Don Lemon – IOTW Report

Worst Journalist of the Year, Don Lemon

Worst Journalist of the Year, Don Lemon (Worst Journalist of the Year) has given us tens of thousands of examples of his spectacular inability to do basic journalism – but in a recent “interview” with Reverend Bill Owens, a leader in American culture reform, Lemon finally snapped and fully exposed, to a degree of obviousness never seen, just how absurdly one-sided he and CNN truly are.

Don Lemon desperately seeks any shred of sound he can use to attack President Donald Trump – and Reverend Owens, wise to the ploy in ways Lemon will never understand, expertly frustrates his increasingly insane attempts to bend the narrative to his meager will.

*Spicy language:

17 Comments on Worst Journalist of the Year, Don Lemon

  1. Quite honestly, if it weren’t for conservative Internet references to people like Duh Lemming, Rachel Madcow andrhe rest of them, nobody would have ever heard of them
    Or their info babble. I would have to look up where CNN & MESSNBC exists on my dial.

    If a tree falls in the forest….

    Yeah. I heard lemming did the dhimmicrat debate.
    Again. Tree forest did they make a sound?
    Not that anybody heard. Although the Williamson yodeling part was hilarious. Really hilarious. Side splitting.

  2. Lemon should have learned by now. He should interview other ignorant blacks, like al Sharpton, Maxine waters, shelia Jackson lee, jesse Jackson, chris Matthews, Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, eliaj Cummings, Louis farackan,etc. They would make him look brilliant among his few thousand viewers. What an asshole.

  3. This video misses the point. What it did not show is that Don Lemon secretly works for Donald Trump as part of the President’s effort to destroy the main stream media.

    I mean, come on now. Do you really think that anybody could be as stupid as Don Lemon? It HAS to be an act.

  4. Can any of you imagine Lemon, that simpleton loser, interviewing Tom Sowell, Shelby Steele, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Condi Rice?
    Remember his interview with Sheriff David Clarke? I’m surprised that idiot is still on the air. But? That’s CNN. WTF!


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