45 House RINOs Send Emotional Pearl-Clutching Letter To GOP Reps Who Voted To Remove McCarthy as Speaker – IOTW Report

45 House RINOs Send Emotional Pearl-Clutching Letter To GOP Reps Who Voted To Remove McCarthy as Speaker

GP: 45 Uniparty Republicans signed a letter on Thursday calling out the eight GOP Representatives who voted to remove Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker.

The 45 Republicans in their letter argue that Kevin McCarthy, a very weak and timid leader, was “one of the most accomplished Republican leaders in modern history.” more

25 Comments on 45 House RINOs Send Emotional Pearl-Clutching Letter To GOP Reps Who Voted To Remove McCarthy as Speaker

  1. Seriously, though, McCarthy WAS one of the most accomplished leaders in modern GOP history. But that assertion raises the key question: WHAT were they trying to accomplish?

  2. “…one of the most accomplished Republican leaders in modern history…”

    Newt, what do you have to say about that assessment?

    This letter reminds me of a certain letter signed by 51 former “intelligence” officers.

  3. I think firing McCarthy is worth it just for affect it will have on the remaining no good elephants! Is it a turning point? I sure hope so! How about the 45 NO GOOD BASTARDS that signed that letter? Dan Crenshaw, Dan Newhouse and the rest of crooked assholes that have identified themselves. That’s a start. JimJordan could be good, however there is not a single elephant that I would bet my house on.

  4. @Brad — Some things to keep in mind about Jordan: he’s been the Chairman of the govt weaponization subcommittee since February; it has been 10 months now. The weaponization is getting worse all the time. There’s no sign of any pushback from the House. The last hearing they held was in July. It’s getting kinda hard to take him seriously.

  5. “Kevin McCarthy, a very weak and timid leader, was “one of the most accomplished Republican leaders in modern history.””

    Sadly, this is true. He wasn’t an accomplished leader, just an accomplished republican. that isn’t saying much.

  6. Uncle Al, I have to agree. In my personal opinion I think the sexual assault accusations against him were his warning shot. Regardless, he’s not even as good as Trey Gowdy at getting soundbites and the outcome seems to be the same.

    It’s like I say, if they stay long enough they all become corrupt, whether it’s due to money or blackmail.

  7. Jordan will have to do more than talk tough. Put up or shut up if he becomes Speaker. Hope President Trump’s confidence in Jordan isn’t misguided. President Trump tends to think too corporately. He believes people he can “work with” automatically can be trusted – not in politics. Politics is a different animal. You can only trust those who are forged in the same fire.

  8. JOE6

    “eyepatch” has been a lefty “Bush Republican” since day 1!

    He was outspoken in his support of Kev breaking his word and not kicking out Adam and Liz 3 years ago.

    You do remember Kev gave his “word of honor” any UNIPARTY members joining the conservative witch hunt – aka J6 – would be expelled. ?For sure you know they left still in!

    I mentioned wyt too many “Bush Republicans” in TX a few days ago. UNIPARTY “Eye patch” is one of ’em!

  9. McCarthy is a traitor to his party, his state, and his country.
    The signatories to that letter are likely traitors, as well.
    Sadly, Jason Smith (MO-8) is one of them and is fairly-well entrenched so that primary-ing him would be difficult, if not impossible.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. O’ve never heard of any of these people. Are they mostly fresh Uniparty initiates, just doing what they’re told by the Grand Kleagle of the Uniparty? Or are they Uniparty safe district ciphers toiling for years in obscurity? And why aren’t there more of them? Are there another 45 who would sign, but have to keep their heads down?

    Exactly how many members are in the Republican Uniparty Maintenance Project? I know the Uniparty derives its power from working in tandem with the lockstep Dems, so they don’t need to be a majority on the GOP side to be effective partners, but the fewer Dems there are the more RUMPers there need to be.

    Unfortunately, it looks like district elections are now rigged in favor of RINO incumbents to maintain a rough stasis in the House, and Business as Usual.

    But this letter, like all of the desperate insider letters in recent years, puts a rare spotlight on who’s who. Maybe it will help to purge the GOP of other wannabe Kinzingers and Cheneys in 2024 and beyond.

  11. If McCarthy was one of “the most accomplished GOP leaders in modern history”, why is there NOTHING accomplished in any direction??!
    The GOP lost the Presidency and control of the Senate because they accomplished NOTHING.
    The economy, the border, the deficit, national security, condition of the military, education, energy, state of nearly ALL US cities, transportation… are worse because the Dems rule.

    “accomplished” ?! Written by shameless TRAITORS, clearly.

  12. Hard to get, in fact, impossible to get behind anyone who supports the status quo politics in this or any other matter. The rule was changed to enable the tiny minority of non-statist representatives to exercise this exact power regarding a speaker who played the statist game, and this one apparently did.

    Now the statist republicans are unhappy and these are on record as solid statist representatives.


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