46 = 13 – IOTW Report

46 = 13

Samson <– He has more videos.
[Some spicy language]

Someone had to say it. <–From Jan 2021.

19 Comments on 46 = 13

  1. I know how to make 46=13, 4+6=10, 10-6=4 and 1+3=4 and there you have it they both equal 4. Hey it’s the new, new math which totally screwed me up learning math back in the mid 60’s and makes as much sense as that bs did. And remember kiddies 2+2 can equal 5 because your progtard teachers tell you that it’s true even if it’s not. Who you gonna believe the friggin lying teachers or the fact 2+2 will always equal 4.

  2. Faaantastic! Same message, but much better delivery than Tom McDonald – sorry, but probably because of the lack of tattoos and dreads and corn rows and braids. I hope he goes viral.


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