Is Joe Biden Mr. Magoo? – IOTW Report

Is Joe Biden Mr. Magoo?

In this episode, Larry addresses Joe Biden’s tendencies to threaten to fight his opponents, lie about his school achievements, and stumble through probable cognitive decline. He also points out some interesting similarities between Biden and the cartoon character Mr. Magoo.

16 Comments on Is Joe Biden Mr. Magoo?

  1. Mr. Magoo was never afflicted with Alzheimer’s Disease. He also wasn’t a grifting, lying, cheating, worthless Pony Smoldering, Teleprompter reading, hopelessly incompetent Presidential nominee. The cartoonist who created Mr. Magoo could never have remotely conceived of a more cartoonishly incompetent character than the man that the Dementiacrat Party is trying to foist off on this country.

  2. Maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t Dementia Joe seem to be slipping into Slingblade territory? He sure appears to resemble Slingblade lately, but without the eloquence. The only explanation must be that Slingblade didn’t have a Teleprompter in that shed.


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