4th student death across campuses nationwide in a 10-day span – IOTW Report

4th student death across campuses nationwide in a 10-day span


Friends and family of a college freshman at Campbellsville University in Kentucky are at a loss as to why his wrestling teammate reportedly strangled him to death in his dorm room. The tragic incident happened just days before the wrestling team was set to make a trip to Kansas for a national championship, according to Fox News Digital.

Josiah Kilman, 18, was found dead in his dorm room just before 1:00 a.m. on February 24. His horrific death is the fourth homicide on a college campus across the country in just a ten-day span. more

15 Comments on 4th student death across campuses nationwide in a 10-day span

  1. …well, THIS is a new take on “Suddenly”.

    News flash: Colleges are NOT ‘safe spaces’, never HAVE been, and never WILL be.

    In fact, since they now promote and celebrate mental illness and an ‘ethos’ that violence is OK as long as you consider your cause morally superior, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were more dangerous now than ever…

  2. There’s an invading foreign terror army Biden has unleashed on our country, and these military age men are doing what military age men from terror armies do: kill and rape and burn. Considering there are MILLIONS of them now in our country, wait till they form into more organized terror armies. We ain’t seen ANYTHING yet – including the martial law that will be required to bring the terror armies to heel, like Hitler and the SS (now, which are Biden, the FBI and the woke military) brought the SA to heel after they had no use for the SA leaders anymore.

  3. The implication being that college is the common denominator somehow, when clearly NONE of these murders/deaths are related? I am so happy to have gone to college in the early 80s when you could party without concerns, your friends looked out for you, nobody got murdered, raped, or otherwise (not that I ever heard of), and the probability that you would end up with a job when you were done was high.

  4. There’s a “game” called pass out where one is strangled to the point of passing out. This is supposed to create a extreme sexual high. They were doing this in my son’s highschool wrestling team. Son is no longer on the team.


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