5.8 Million People No Longer on Food Stamps Under Trump – IOTW Report

5.8 Million People No Longer on Food Stamps Under Trump

Epoch Times:

Over 5.8 million people are no longer on food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first month in office in February 2017, according to the new data by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The data of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which came out on June 7, shows that in February 2017 there were 42,132,132 individuals participating in SNAP (pdf). This figure has since decreased to 36, 302,242 in 2019—showing a 5,829,890 drop in people on food stamps over that period.

In the same time period, the number of households dependent on SNAP decreased from around 20.8 million to less than 18.3 million—a drop of more than 2.5 million households.

Breitbart News says that the current figure of 36,302,242 SNAP participants is preliminary as the administration of food stamps in 2019 was impacted by the government shut down of late 2018.

The cost of the program also declined in the same time frame by over $880 million, from $5.2 billion to $4.4 billion.

Trump has tweaked the program a number of times, including curtailing waivers on work requirements.

The number of food stamp recipients has been dropping for four years, prompted by an economic recovery as well as welfare reforms at the state level. In Alabama, food stamp use fell by 85 percent in 13 counties after the state imposed work requirements for childless adults. In Georgia, 21 counties saw a significant reduction in food stamp recipients after the state restored the work requirement. read more

6 Comments on 5.8 Million People No Longer on Food Stamps Under Trump

  1. I wonder if those who have managed to get off the dole become resentful of those around them who won’t get off the dole. Maybe all of this hot gas about reparations is meant to distract from that tension.


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