5 Palestinians Crushed To Death By Biden Aid Drop – IOTW Report

5 Palestinians Crushed To Death By Biden Aid Drop

National Pulse:
A parachute malfunction appears to have caused a humanitarian aid airdrop package to plummet to the earth, killing five Palestinians in Gaza — including two children. The incident occurred around 4:30 AM Eastern on Friday in the Al-Shati refugee camp in northern Gaza, where at least one parachute failed to deploy correctly. The Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza confirmed the deaths to the Associated Press. more

40 Comments on 5 Palestinians Crushed To Death By Biden Aid Drop

  1. …It’s not the first time “humanitarian aid” air drops turned lethal. Back when we were “love bombing” Afganis with Humanitarian Daily Rations in the run-up to Operation Enduring Freedom, we packaged HDR’s in yellow sleeves as requested, which color turned out to be pretty close to the cluster bombs ALSO being dropped in the area. They’d send the kids out to collect the rations and sometimes they’d collect a cluster bomb instead, but not for long.

    Doesn’t really help “hearts and minds”.

    Also, Muslims being Muslims, the muj would collect them, poison them, then return them in order to kill fellow starving Muzzies for cheap political points.

    Overall, pretty stupid idea.

    Plus, I’m not sure feeding people that burn live babies in their recently murdered dead parent’s ovens and sexually desecrate the dead are really from a culture you should be trying to preserve, just saying…

  2. It happens. Its where Rod Serling got his start.

    That said: why in the world are we providing ANY aid to that malignant culture? Return hostages or FOAD. If every life is precious, a simpler approach is to provide aid stations OUTSIDE Gaza (the Palestinian second state) and let the “civilian” populace exit the combat zone so that it can be properly searched and pacified. Then, once the terror infrastructure is destroyed they can have it back. The “Palestinians” have been beat many times but have yet to figure out they lost.

  3. ecp
    SATURDAY, 9 MARCH 2024, 10:28 AT 10:28 AM
    “Wake me when they kick Biden’s coffin down the loading ramp at 40,000 feet.”

    …or his living body, I’m good with either…

  4. Here’s a modified Marcos joke that seems relevant…

    …one day Jill Biden and Hunter Biden are squatting illegally in the white House as they often do, but this time they are contemplating the dismal polls and terrible public opinion of themselves.

    Jill says as they lie in Lincoln’s bed enjoying a post-coital hit of meth, “The people are angry at us because their food prices are so high. What can we do?”

    Hunter shakes off his cocaine fugue and thinks a moment, then says “We can drop packages from an airplane filled with dollar bills. The people can purchase rice and grain and love us for several weeks.”

    Jill thinks about that for a moment, then shakes her head, causing her wattle to oscillate. “That’s a start, but think bigger”.

    Hunter passes out, wakes again, then says “I know, we can make packages of HUNDRED dollar bills and drop them to the crowds. Then the people can buy fish and chicken and love us for months!”

    Jill closes her legs to keep the odor down, then has a sudden inspiration.

    “I’ve GOT it! We can drop ONE package from an airplane, and the people will love us FOREVER!”

    More excited than usual, Hunter asks, “What is IN that package!”

    Jill savors the thought, then says two words;

    “Your Father”.

  5. “5 Palestinians Crushed To Death By Biden Aid Drop”

    My first thought was “Well, it’s a start.”

    My second thought was “Keep it up, boys. That’s five down, only a million more to go.”

  6. Chicago ULTRA MAGA Deplorable
    SATURDAY, 9 MARCH 2024, 11:32 AT 11:32 AM
    “How many Bidens do you need to screw in a light bulb?”

    …trick question.

    No Biden has EVER done ANYTHING actually useful, and no Biden ever WILL.

  7. How anybody could like a comment like “5 down a couple of million to go” is beyond me; it’s pretty fucked up especially because (allegedly) 2 were children.

  8. Chicago ULTRA MAGA Deplorable SATURDAY, 9 MARCH 2024, 11:32 AT 11:32 AM
    How many Bidens do you need to screw in a light bulb?

    I believe zero. As you don’t bother, but tell them you did and they’ll be happy because demorats like hiding in the dark.

  9. “How anybody could like a comment like “5 down a couple of million to go” is beyond me; it’s pretty fucked up especially because (allegedly) 2 were children.”

    Yeah, two muzzie rat children. Fuck them. They are trained as children to kill you.

  10. Anymouse
    SATURDAY, 9 MARCH 2024, 22:34 AT 10:34 PM
    Chicago ULTRA MAGA Deplorable Anymouse
    SATURDAY, 9 MARCH 2024, 22:34 AT 10:34 PM
    Chicago ULTRA MAGA Deplorable SATURDAY, 9 MARCH 2024, 11:32 AT 11:32 AM
    “How many Bidens do you need to screw in a light bulb?

    I believe zero. As you don’t bother, but tell them you did and they’ll be happy because demorats like hiding in the dark.”

    …roaches gotta roach…


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