5 Senate Democrats Are In Serious Trouble – IOTW Report

5 Senate Democrats Are In Serious Trouble


Breitbart: Polls done in 10 states show very bad news for at least five Senate Democrats up for re-election in 2018, according to Axios.

In November, a total of 33 Senators are up for re-election. The good news for Republicans, is that 23 of those are Democrats. The better news for Republicans is that 10 of those 23 Democrats hail from states won by President Trump in 2016.

Axios and Survey Monkey polled all ten of those states and found that at least five Democrats are in real trouble.

Montana: Sen. Jon Tester loses to his unnamed Republican challenger 42 percent to 55 percent.

West Virginia: Sen. Joe Manchin loses to his unnamed Republican challenger 43 percent to 52 percent.

Missouri: Sen. Claire McCaskill loses to Republican challenger Josh Hawley 44 percent to 52 percent.

Indiana: Sen. Joe Donnelly loses to his unnamed Republican challenger 45 percent to 51 percent.

North Dakota: Sen. Heidi Heitkamp loses to her unnamed Republican challenger 47 percent to 49 percent.  Keep reading

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