5 takeaways from the Barr hearing – IOTW Report

5 takeaways from the Barr hearing



1. Tension between Attorney General William Barr and Robert Mueller

Barr revealed a split with the special counsel over the pursuit of evidence that President Trump tried to obstruct the probe. Mueller did not draw any conclusion on obstruction, despite gathering the evidence.

“The investigation carried on for a while as additional episodes were looked into,” Barr told the panel. “So my question was, why were those investigated if, at the end of the day, you weren’t going to reach a decision on them?”

Later in the hearing Barr dismisseda March 27 letter from Mueller complaining about Barr’s four-page memo to Congress about the report. “The letter’s a bit snitty and I think it was written by one of his staff people,” Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee. Mueller served as Barr’s deputy when Barr was President George H.W. Bush’s Attorney General in 1991.

2. Barr didn’t review Mueller’s evidence.

Under questioning from Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., a former prosecutor who is running for president, Barr acknowledged neither he nor Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein reviewed the trove of evidence gathered by the Mueller team before he cleared Trump of any wrongdoing.

“We accepted the statements in the report as a factual record,” Barr told Harris. “We did not go underneath it to see whether or not they were accurate. We accepted it as accurate.”

3. Barr is probing leaks to media.

Under questioning from Republicans on the panel, Barr said he is investigating Department of Justice leaks to the media regarding the investigation into alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

Dozens of news stories over the past two years have centered on information provided by anonymous law enforcement sources, some of it inaccurate, about the probe and Trump’s involvement with the Russians.

“We have multiple criminal leak investigations underway,” Barr told the panel.  more

14 Comments on 5 takeaways from the Barr hearing

  1. Why should Barr bother with Mueller’s “evidence”
    when the entire FBI, led by Comey, Mueller, et al,
    were totally incurious over the clear evidence of Hillary’s, Huma’s et mult. al. in the obola State Dept’s blatant mishandling of CLASSIFIED documents, especially since they led to the assassination of a US Ambassador?!

    Each public call for another ‘investigation’ should be exchanged for initiation of criminal charges. STAT.

  2. The time has come to open the floodgates and drain the swamp! Slimy creatures are now looking for rocks to hide under. After the drain is complete, they will have to slither out, where the sunlight will shine on them and expose their tyranny. God speed AG Barr, keep an eye out over your shoulder.

  3. My takeaway? Mazie Hirono is one seriously vile human being.

    The reprehensible unhinged slanderous garbage that came out of her mouth yesterday (let alone any other day of the week) shows her vitriol is built-into a black heart and fully moronic mind.

    Now we have that wacko Pelosi asserting (with confidence only a mental patient could muster) that AG Barr lied to Congress. What’s next, he’s a pedophile? We have to figure the lunatic fringe Dem’s will only get worse…this is another prime example. It will be their undoing.

  4. I didn’t take away any tension between Barr and Muller.

    My goodness, the Democrats were snotty.

    An old hag will surface charging Barr with alleged sexual assault with a candelabra, in the library, while the butler held her down 3…2….1….

  5. MAY 2, 2019 AT 2:24 PM
    “My takeaway? Mazie Hirono is one seriously vile human being.”

    …I’m with you, @Camperfixer. Had I been in the AG’s place. I would have given her a two-word testimony (second one, ‘you’), and refused to proceed until the “gentlewoman” apologized to me AND her President for her slanderous speech…

  6. @Super- “…would have given her a two-word testimony (second one, ‘you’) and refused to proceed until the “gentlewoman” apologized to me AND her President for her slanderous speech”

    Thinking Barr did that today by telling them to go scratch, as in, “I have real work to do that already affords enough brain damage without all your disrespectful offensive rhetoric.”

  7. Right. The Curry Coon wants to know why Barr didn’t review all of the underlying evidence looked at and investigated by Mueller and his huge team of attorneys and FBI agents. Wouldn’t that take at least another year or two to accomplish this review of the millions of pieces of evidence?

    Attorney General William Barr followed the regulations and the law, which is more than Robespierre Mueller and his Committee of Public Safety did during the last two years.

  8. “My takeaway? Mazie Hirono is one seriously vile human being.”

    Watching her try to read her notes, I imagine she is a Soros/Deep State sock puppet and only mouths what her masters have to write out for her. Venal AND stupid.

  9. As a former state AG, Kamala Mattress reviewed all the underlying evidence in each and every case prepared by her subordinates, so she’s being totally reasonable in expecting Barr to do the same.

  10. It seemed to make those idiots angrier and angrier that they could not derail the AG. I’m glad he has former, first hand experience with the snake pit in D.C.

    Hirono should be taken out of office ASAP.


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