5 ways to know if you’re sexist – IOTW Report

5 ways to know if you’re sexist

gavin mcinness

Some salty language 

Their side strips women of everything that makes them special (including their clothes) crams them in the workforce, and then leaves them high and dry four abortions later.

It seems like every feminist policy leaves women worse off than they were before.

With friends like feminists, who needs enemies?

8 Comments on 5 ways to know if you’re sexist

  1. Can I just say how happy I am to be married for 28 years to a fantastic woman?

    To have raised two conservative heterosexual children?

    To live in the zip code that is loaded to the gills (about 99.9%) with people looking and acting and thinking just like I do?

    If I could start over today I don’t think I’d want to.

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