5 Years Ago Today, Climate Change Hoaxer Greta Thunberg Said the World Would End – IOTW Report

5 Years Ago Today, Climate Change Hoaxer Greta Thunberg Said the World Would End

GP: Today marks the anniversary of a doomsday prediction made by then-15-year-old climate change hoaxer Greta Thunberg.

On June 21, 2018, she made a bold claim on Twitter, stating that humanity had a narrow five-year window to stop the use of fossil fuels or face inevitable extinction.

“A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”

Thunberg shared a now-deleted Grit Post article by Scott Alden citing a prediction from James Anderson, a professor of atmospheric chemistry at Harvard University, titled, “Top Climate Scientist: Humans Will Go Extinct if We Don’t Fix Climate Change by 2023.” MORE

16 Comments on 5 Years Ago Today, Climate Change Hoaxer Greta Thunberg Said the World Would End

  1. Greta has made a fortune, even though she claims(is) she is a communist. She should donate her millions of grifting $$$$$ to the “climate change” charity of her choice & eat twigs with soy in her mansion with no electricity, heat, a/c or water. Just like a good communist should.

  2. I’ve got 40 tomato’s on the best tomato plant you ever ate….(Juanne flemme)…..It’s 90 degrees with 70% humidity outside….I’ll have the little bastards juice running down my face in less then 3 weeks….life is gonna be better…Thank you seasonal change!…..

  3. Never listen to a retarded autistic narcissist.
    Never elect a retarded pedophile grifter.

    We ignored these basic common-sense admonitions and have fallen into the abyss.

    Destruction is easier than construction – and the minions of Satan are expert at destruction. “For only in destroying I find ease …” (“Paradise Lost,” Milton, Satan)
    James Anderson must be an exemplar of the Globaloney Warming Hoax – a typical Harvard Academic – all Satanic agenda and no respect for facts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Any wonder the younger folks are dropping out? Any wonder why they aren’t playing the game worth a shit? After all the propaganda is it any wonder they think, to paraphrase the Chappaqua compost heap of evil, what difference at this point does it make?

    Kiddos are impressionable and the impression has been made. Over the last thirty years we’ve been bombarded with the climate apocalypse and the littles took it to heart, now they’re not so little anymore.

    It would be lunacy if it weren’t directed energy. The younger set don’t remember the genesis of the movement back in the ‘70s with global cooling and the new man caused ice age that required all the same privations and government takeover of all systems. That tune changed rapidly as the cold winters laid off.

    Now we have the retarded girl and Algore both blown out of the water with their own predictions, along with a mass of other gibbering monkeys proclaiming the same doom on us.

    Review the basis for a long con. This is the longest of long cons and it has paid off enormously for the con meisters. The problem is there isn’t an end point, a conclusion, a means of withdrawal for those running the con.

    Reality remains, regardless of the propaganda slung by the leaders and participants in the con, and the destruction following in their wake is the reality we have to inhabit.

    The kids aren’t all right and neither are the young adults indoctrinated by this global warming cult. None of us are all right at this point.

  5. Not a single predicted “climate catastrophe” has occurred since they started making them, waaay back in the ’70’s.
    Not one.
    Marching morons have arrived.

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