50 NY Lawmakers Call for Gov. Cuomo to Be Impeached or Resign – IOTW Report

50 NY Lawmakers Call for Gov. Cuomo to Be Impeached or Resign


As allegations mount against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a powerful Democrat lawmaker issued a statement calling for him to resign from office.

Cuomo is facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment from former staffers.

If that wasn’t enough, the governor is also being investigated for his administration’s tally on COVID-19 deaths tied to nursing homes.

Democratic State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said allegations against Cuomo are “drawing away from the business of government.” read more

15 Comments on 50 NY Lawmakers Call for Gov. Cuomo to Be Impeached or Resign

  1. If Democrats want him removed it’s likely because he’s calling attention to something they don’t want attention called to or because they have someone else they want that will better serve their agenda in a way he can’t.


  2. ‘Democratic State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said allegations against Cuomo are “drawing away from the business of government.”’

    …which, like distracting a bear from eating your children, is ALWAYS a good thing…

  3. Miss direction away from the real crime. Practicing medicine without a license – when he sent contagious people into nursing homes and killed thousands. And covering it up with lies!!

  4. @DSC & Tim-Taking him down for killing some 15,000 elderly will cause too much collateral damage. Whitmer did the same thing, Psaki named Cuomo the gold standard in leadership, CNN & others in the MSM propped him up as the anti-Trump and a brilliant leader. Too much explaining to do. The lower level accusations of inappropriate behavior belong to Cuomo alone. Cuomo has carved out a custom made path for the dems to poison him politically so that he won’t be a threat to Kamala in the primary.

  5. The main things our miserable failure of a governor has in her favor, is an AG who covers for gov halfWhitmer and a legislature who is too pussified to against her.

  6. The house and senate, scotus, and the governing bodies of all 50 states could pig pile Cuomo. Not a damn thing will happen to him because he still sports that magic D behind his name.


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