50% Of Independents Support Impeaching Biden – IOTW Report

50% Of Independents Support Impeaching Biden

PTN: Even many independents want to impeach Joe Biden.

A new poll found that 50% of independents support impeachment.

The inquiry into Biden just started.

Breitbart reported:

Fifty percent of independent voters believe House Republicans should impeach President Joe Biden, a YouGov/CBS News poll recently found.

Although House Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry just last week into the president, 50 percent of independent voters already believe House Republicans should move beyond the impeachment inquiry to impeach the president.

The other 50 percent of independent voters remain unconvinced that Republicans should impeach Joe Biden.

Eighty-one percent of Republicans support an impeachment, with 19 percent opposition. Among Democrats, 12 percent support impeachment. Eighty-eight percent do not.

A recent poll found Donald Trump dominating Joe Biden among independents. more

7 Comments on 50% Of Independents Support Impeaching Biden

  1. Impeachment is theater.
    Just as it was with Clinton and President Trump.

    The Retarded Pedophile Usurper needs to be tried for Treason, Corruption, Pedophilia, Rape, and Perjury – convicted – and executed.
    Anything less is a crime against Humanity.

    The Senate will not vote to convict their own Mob Boss and fellow corrupt-o-crat and I’m pretty sure the maggots in the House know that.

    But I guess it keeps them from doing more mischief.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. JOE BIDEN should also be investigated for his links to the aryan nations hate group especially since he’s been endorsed for re-election by those lowly reprobates. Needless to say that WHITE SUPREMACIST WHITE PRIVILEGE JOE BIDEN has a long history too with the vile Ku Klux Klan, associations which are filmed and documented.


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