500-pound mound of nope ropes found in Florida marsh – IOTW Report

500-pound mound of nope ropes found in Florida marsh

The Hill- A team of trackers found a pile of snakes totaling 500 pounds in a South Florida marsh last month. The report said the discovery happened on Feb. 21 on public land in Naples when officials discovered a 7-foot wide mound of 11 pythons. more

17 Comments on 500-pound mound of nope ropes found in Florida marsh

  1. All because one person had an illegal pet python and let it go when it got big.
    That person knows, or knew, who they are.
    I wonder if they see this and feel any remorse?
    Probably not.

  2. When I was stationed at Homestead AFB in the late 70s, our Navy site was down Card Sound rd. There was a man made pond just outside of the antenna array that we sailors would fish. Just to the right of the small dock was a clump of reeds and in that clump was a enormous python. I took my then 6 yo son fishing there a few times but always carried a hatchet. Damn thing scared me almost as much as the 12 gator that was on the other side of the pond.
    Good times….
    (Btw, the site is now a gun/skeet club)

  3. Not to mention iguanas. My understanding is there was a snake “farm” in south Florida that was destroyed by a hurricane (Andrew?) and freed thousands of pythons, which breed prodigiously, have plenty of food available and no natural predators. The perfect snake storm.

  4. On our cattle ranch in Eastern WA we had rattle snakes. There was a cave where every spring we’d need to go inside and find a big ass ball of little newly-hatched snakes. The ranch foreman and I would toss gasoline on the ball and light it. The little bastards would cook real good plus be mucho pissed. If you didn’t do this they’d take over the place.

  5. “For 10 years, we’ve been catching and putting them [Burmese pythons] down humanely.”
    “Humanely”? FFS, WHY!?
    Just kill ’em, fair means or foul! Other then the Greenies, who cares about “humanely”? And if you’re accosted by a Greenie, then break his/her/its legs & leave him/her/it for the snake.

  6. At one time we lived in a house built in the 1700’s close to the Cape Fear (NC). There was an attached family cemetery. The week we moved in there was an enormous rattle snake blocking the front door. My father dealt with it. Later we discovered the cemetery, not mowed for a decade, was one big rattle snake habitat. The property also had copperheads and water moccasins.


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