50,000 Illegals Apply For Driver Authorization Cards in Nevada – IOTW Report

50,000 Illegals Apply For Driver Authorization Cards in Nevada


Illegal aliens



17 Comments on 50,000 Illegals Apply For Driver Authorization Cards in Nevada

  1. How about using the applications to compile a database of ILLEGAL immigrants and have the next Republican sign an “Executive Order” fast tracking their deportation?

  2. Use it to develop a database to seize their assets and deport them. Make them pay for the trouble of breaking our laws, customs, and mores.

    And their transport back to the border.

    With nothing but lash marks on their backs.

  3. 14 of them have obtained car insurance out of a total of 16,400 who applied. Are you kidding me, this is an infinitesimally small number of way, way less than a thousandth of a percent. I guess the govt. will have to pay their car insurance like they do everything else. I wouldn’t want to drive in Nevada with all these illegal and uninsured drivers on the loose.

  4. hwairy is looking at this as a potential 50K more voters, hey why not if dead people can vote, why bother with the legal aspect of it all, I can’t wait til they can all vote for a dead candidate, oh wait they already are in Nevada imo….what a cadaver…

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