52% Of Americans Think Democratic Party Just Stands Against Trump – IOTW Report

52% Of Americans Think Democratic Party Just Stands Against Trump

DC: According to a new poll by The Washington Post and ABC, over half of Americans believe the current Democratic Party doesn’t stand for anything besides resisting President Trump.

The poll asked 1,001 Americans, “Do you think the Democratic Party currently stands for something, or just stands against Trump?”

Only 37 percent of respondents believed that the Democratic Party “stands for something,” while 52 percent of respondents said the party “just stands against Trump.”   MORE

17 Comments on 52% Of Americans Think Democratic Party Just Stands Against Trump

  1. How wrong they are.

    The Demonrat party stands against America, American values, Western Civilization, Freedom, Liberty, God, Goodness, Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness (by anyone other than themselves).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The Dems cant even come up with a campaign slogan for 2018, because Trump is not on the ticket. They’ve already found out through the special elections that they can’t win by painting their opponents as little Trumps. It’s telling that their their favorite new slogan idea was “I mean, have you seen the other guys?”, and their actual working slogan is “Resist”. Two empty, reactionary slogans which signal nothing but mindless opposition because Trump.

    No “Yes, we can”, not even “Stronger Together”. The Dems are a spent force intellectually, politically and financially right now. If only there was an opposition party which was willing to take advantage of those facts right now.

  3. Dems are for 1. $15 min wage, 2. Free health care, 3. Free college, 4. Tax the rich, 5. Unlimited immigration, 6. Solar and wind power, 7. Gun control. What’s not to love in that list?

  4. they suck! all they stand for is deconstruction and tearing things down. Today, they and their corrupt cronies in the media should be asking about the murdering MN muzzie cop. Let me guess, we are going to go over for the 5,000th time that stupid nothingburger meeting that DJT Jr convened 9 months ago and called off after 30 minutes.

  5. Actual letter to the Hagerstown Herald-Mail Editors page this morning:

    Medicaid for all is solution to our health care crisis

    To the editor:

    The solution to our health care crisis in America is Medicare for all. This will allow every American living in the U.S. to have comprehensive health care coverage.

    How can this benefit Hagerstown and surrounding areas? Comprehensive health care will also include mental health, vision, dental and prescriptions. Coverage will be based on need and not on ability to pay. Our health care premiums will end, along with co-pays, deductibles and medical bills.

    It is time for us to take care of our veterans, children and seniors. We must put an end to huge bankruptcies brought on by huge medical debt. The solution for us is Medicare for all.

    There will be a march on July 24 on the West Lawn of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. We urge you to stand up for a health care system that will work for Maryland and all Americans.

    Te- A—— and D-b S—–


  6. Folks I know dog breeders who put down show dogs with less flaws then these people have if they actually believe their letter.

    If “our premiums end” who exactly is going to pay for it? If you say your great-grandchildren you are right!

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