.-.. — .-.. – IOTW Report

.-.. — .-..

17 Comments on .-.. — .-..

  1. Heh. And after the EMP, some of us will be sending:

    . . . _ – – – _ . . . instead.

    “This is Lawrence, Kansas. Is anyone there? Anyone at all.”

  2. So, they’re not just lying about their censorship, the whole platform is a lie?

    And Twitter is just one grain of deceit in a vast desert of mendacity.

    Funny that the First Amendment was killed by those who it was designed to protect, isn’t it?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Everything you think, do, or say
    Is on your twitter feed today, Wooh -oooo.

    I hope it crashes MSM as well, they have lied for decades.
    OUR “President”, should sue them all for slander.

  4. I am out of practice. Been 30 years.
    Was up to 10 words a minute at one time.
    Morse code will get thru the QRM better
    than voice ever will.

  5. Although some of that is true regarding the numbers some is not.
    I saw an analysis of 0bama’s numbers. They actually increased slightly, but the original number was rounded up as 2 million while the second number rounded to an additional decimal, 1.7 million.
    What is certainly true though is that Elon hasn’t arrived at Twitter yet, so to speak, so all of these changes are coming from current employees prior to his directives.


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