55 Dems quit paying dues to their own DCCC ahead of midterms – IOTW Report

55 Dems quit paying dues to their own DCCC ahead of midterms

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

Democrats are running out on their tab. 

No surprise there, but according to Breitbart News:

Fifty-five powerful and influential House Democrats are reportedly financially stiffing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), failing to pay the dues they owe because of the likelihood that Republicans will retake the chamber.

Top Democrats leaders are unhappy and worried because many of their valuable caucus members are not paying their dues to the party committee, according to Punchbowl News. Rules dictate that each member is responsible for dumping a certain amount of cash into the committee’s coffers to be used by the top brass as a part of a national strategy to defeat Republicans. The amount of cash members are to fork over depends on their position in the party.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC), and DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) reportedly pleaded with members on Tuesday to pay up. But many members are not paying their dues, perhaps because Democrats perceive the 2022 midterm election as a lost cause. “The House Democratic majority is in deep trouble, with both history and the polls against them; and Republicans have overtaken what’s been traditionally a large lead by the DCCC in fundraising, thanks in part to a huge spurt in online fundraising,” Punchbowl noted.

In other words, they’re demoralized.  After all, why pay big dues to the DCCC when the GOP is poised to take the House come the 2022 midterms?  Money down the drain. read more

2 Comments on 55 Dems quit paying dues to their own DCCC ahead of midterms

  1. THEY’RE demoralized???? Really. You don’t know demoralized until the guy you backed, who received more(legitimate) votes than anyone in history, had his election stoled with massive and provable voter fraud in numerous counties across the nation. Or…

    …with the prospect of retaking the House by Rs, who among us doesn’t have the ghostly image of the scum Paul Ryan taking over as Speaker after close to the largest reversal in the history of the House. Man we thought we had it made in the shade with him as Speaker and than Trump gets elected.

    Instead of marshaling Rs in the House to deliver a death blow to the dems, the mofo pussy footed around with ObamaCare bullshit and slow walked Trump campaign promises especially on immigration. And guess who he wrote a book with after he quit?

    Does the name Kevin McCarthy ring as bell? Because that’s who is slated to carry on the Swamp legacy. Oh bet your ass old Kev will go & on about something or other(LOOK A SQUIRREL) but immigration and censorship? Please nigga, pay fucking attention.

    And don’t forget our Chinese Senate Minority(soon to be majority leader which should tell you all you need to know about the Rs in the Senate) Leader, Mitch. He’s another Deep swamp critter that likes the cash flowing. The names on the marque might change but it’s still the same show playing.

    Again, THEY’RE demoralized? Oh gee, where’s my violin?


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