6 diseases return to the US, thanks to migration – IOTW Report

6 diseases return to the US, thanks to migration

Breitbart: The returning diseases are;

1. Tuberculosis
2. Measles
3. Whooping Cough
4. Mumps
5. Scarlet Fever
6. Bubonic Plague

The near eradication of these diseases in the United States during the twentieth century was a remarkable accomplishment of American civilization. Until recently, most Americans believed these diseases were gone from our shores for good.

But a politicized public health system, and a rise in the subsidized migration into the United States, however, have combined to reverse a century of progress.

The number of foreign-born residents of the country has increased by 31 million in three decades, from 11 million in 1986 to 42 million in 2015. Immigration to the United States during this period has come from Middle Eastern, African, Asian, South American and Central American countries where all these diseases are prevalent. The extra 31 million have arrived in a number of ways: approximately 3 million are refugees, 11 million are illegal immigrants, and the remainder are legal immigrants, asylees, and parolees.  more

15 Comments on 6 diseases return to the US, thanks to migration

  1. And the media cover story for these diseases returning to the US is to blame parents who don’t vaccinate their children. Of course they don’t ask how non-vaccinated kids catch these diseases to begin with if the disease is supposedly wiped out in the US.

    Oh, you mean its all these illegals crossing the border carrying God knows what diseases and infecting millions? Who would have guessed????????

  2. “The extra 31 million have arrived in a number of ways: approximately 3 million are refugees, 11 million are illegal immigrants, and the remainder are legal immigrants, asylees, and parolees.”

    I’d wager the number of illegal immigrants is higher.

    A family member was part of the eradication of all those diseases; and very proud of that fact. She’d be spinning in her grave if she knew those diseases were on the rebound in America.

  3. Thank you barry for attempting to transform the US into a third world country. Allowing Islamic terrorists, religious fanatics, diseases and lack of morality to permeate our “Christian, white privileged and orderly society.”
    I feel so much better knowing I am sharing the burden of the uneducated, anti-Christian, murderous, perverted, diseased majority of the world.
    We are the World.

  4. it’s not immigrants. it’s obama and the democrats.
    obama and the democrats want to kill us with third world disease and violence.

    we don’t have a gun control problem we have a communist democrat / immigrant problem.
    take care of that problem and the rest will all go away.

  5. The bubonic plague can be found on squirrels and other rodents here in California. It’s not that unusual and I doubt it was brought here by immigrants. I hope Obama got bite by a squirrel with the plague when he visited Yosemite.

  6. Unless the squirrel shows up at a human medical facility, it isn’t reported. “Yes, Squirrel, Rockford J. Call me Rocky. My friend Bullwinkle here says I should get these strange lumps in my armpits and groin looked at.” However when a human does, it’s reported to the public health authorities. These aren’t cases lurking in a natural reservoir they are, for the most part, cases walking into the country. Most of these diseases can be fairly easily managed with immunizations or drugs. The TB strains showing up are particularly nasty, however, and very difficult to manage.

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