6 Republicans Throw Their Hat in for Speaker After Jordan Fails to Secure Nomination – IOTW Report

6 Republicans Throw Their Hat in for Speaker After Jordan Fails to Secure Nomination

GP: It’s official, or as official as anything can be in the chaos that is the current Republican-controlled House of Representatives: Rep. Jim Jordan is not going to be the next speaker of the House.

Who will be the next speaker, however, is anybody’s guess at this point.

At least five Republicans have confirmed that they plan to run for the speaker’s chair, CNN reported, with no less than three others considering it. (Needless to say, those number are subject to change.)

At about 4:00 p.m. in Washington, CNN listed the five official candidates as Jack Bergman of Michigan, Byron Donalds of Florida, Majority Whip Tom Emmer of Minnesota, Kevin Hern of Oklahoma and Austin Scott of Georgia.

At roughly the same time, a sixth — Texas Rep. Pete Sessions — threw his hat into the ring with a post to X.

17 Comments on 6 Republicans Throw Their Hat in for Speaker After Jordan Fails to Secure Nomination

  1. I wonder (rhetorical, we all know the answer) if all the House Republicans understand how pathetic, inept, incompetent, and just plain amateurish they look to the rest of the country, those folks that actually vote?

    I guess I don’t get the process, but how hard would it be for all the Republicans to get in a room and come up with somebody, anybody, that they can all get behind, secure all the votes ahead of time so that when they got back on the floor, they speak with one voice and nominate someone on the first try?

    I could get behind Donalds, for sure, as well as Higgins and Harriet Hageman (she is a pistol). Those other guys I am unfamiliar with but at this point, just pick someone with an “R” by his name and get on with the people’s business.

  2. “just pick someone with an “R” by his name and get on with the people’s business.”

    And there’s the problem. Picking someone with an “R” next to it doesn’t mean you get a Republican. You get a RINO. That has been the problem all along.
    #Trump2024 or BUST!

  3. @Kcir ~ remember, Trump had to fight the RePubes under the Quisling Paul Ryan, almost just as much as he had to battle the DemonRats (under the Evil Witch, Vodka Skeletor) after the RePubes gave away the leadership of the House (kinda like they’re doing now! …. hmmmm, do I see a pattern here?)

  4. Emmer was my rep in MN. Never did anything memorable. I met him the last primary I lived there. Just reminded me of a slimy work. He didn’t do anything bad, just acted like he was above the small primary group I was in.

    I would expect him to be even more of a cold fish by now.

  5. With only one official candidate, the 20 – 25 rogues managed to vote for a Hal dozen or so extraneous candidates so, with a half dozen or so non-candidates, we could see votes for20 or more extraneous non-candidates.
    When there is a good open seat, we end up with a half dozen or so republicans running in the primary, splitting the votes and ending up allowing the democrat to win the general.

  6. The thing is, anybody you just pick will end up being much worse than what you started with. I learned a long time ago when it comes to political management/cooperate structures, don’t fck with it. It will only get worse. And here we are. Big mistake.

  7. @Rich Taylor ~ the RePubes always give away the high ground. it’s in their DNA. one of the rules of war is if you come up w/ a plan to unseat the ‘big guy’ (McCarthy) … especially when you align yourself w/ the enemy, as (I’d like to kick him in the ‘nads’!) Matt Gaetz did, you’d better have a fool-proof plan for a quick ‘ascension to the throne’ before the dust settles in the ensuing time of uncertainty. get together, pick so one … anyone …. take the reins of command withing a day or two … it shows Leadership! … Confidence! … it’s much easier to do when everyone’s running around w/ their hair on fire

    sadly, something the RePubs have severely lacked for decades. they truly do not want to lead … they just want to ‘wet their beaks’, letting the D’rats rob us, instead of them. “we’re the nice guys” … NO, you’re not

    Gaetz thought he was being cute w/ this stupid move. the D’rats played him like a fiddle …. beat his dumb ass like a drum. “c’mon Matt, do it. you only need four other dumb asses & we’ll all back you!”

    say what you want about the D’rats, but they have a plan & they get in line … why? because, they’ll take away your funding & prestige, your chairmanship, ranking membership, committee chair, re-election cash … whatever it takes to make you vote ‘correctly’

    I believe the majority of RePups are conservative at heart, but the RNC Quislings keep enough RINO’s in to ensure their party stay as the backbencher bitches to the D’rats …. been working for them so far

    so, whatcha gonna do? keep whining about Lucy pulling the football out from under you, or quit stupidly supporting the assholes that brought us to this embarrassing situation … time after time, laughing all the way … they always promote a Quisling, like Ryan or McCarthy

    btw, remember the time Ryan threw his vice-presidential debate with that guy? … who was that guy? … oh yeah …. Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. … yeah, that guy

    it takes a special person to be a deliberate idiot … & Congress has 222 of them (not counting the 49 in the Senate)

  8. “Gaetz thought he was being cute w/ this stupid move.’

    You don’t make a move like this unless you know for sure you can get your guy elected/appointed. This is the World Series and he’s playing small ball. Big mistake. Meanwhile the investigations into the Biden Trailer Trash family have stopped. Funding for our military has stopped, while we’re now facing two fronts. Putin’s gotta be laughing his as off. Don’t get me wrong, if Gaetz is the Patriot he says he is he’s not my enemy. However if you just judge the end result, it makes me wonder. Most repulsive statement of the day came from Gaetz. “Well I am a Lawyer”. Yea, that’s the problem pal.

  9. Well, even more people at least are becoming aware that it’s the uni-party. I have friends who have always argued with me that there is no such thing who now are telling me it’s true.
    That’s the only silver lining I can find.

    To be honest they were never going to do anything anyway, it was going to be the same old thing.

  10. The end result, the House GOP will end up with a Ryan, Boehner, McCarthy RINO with few principles and even less leadership ability.
    More of the same, just like the last 3 years, capitulation, more whining, More Inflation, Higher Taxes and Greater debt.


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