6 teens rob 1 man for sunglasses – IOTW Report

6 teens rob 1 man for sunglasses

YHTS: 6 teens charged in holdup, theft of designer sunglasses.

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (AP) – Six west Michigan teens are jailed in connection with the theft of a pair of $2,000 designer sunglasses outside a Battle Creek gas station.

The Battle Creek Enquirer reports (http://bcene.ws/29r5OOD ) Sunday that a 22-year-old man told police he was in a parking lot when his Cartier sunglasses were taken at gunpoint.

The man called 911 as he drove after the group when they fled in a vehicle.

Police say the suspects stopped and fired shots at the man pursuing them. Several slugs hit his vehicle and they drove off again.

Officers arrested the four Grand Rapids males and two females – aged 16-19 – on a dead-end street. They are charged with assault with intent to murder and armed robbery.

Information from: Battle Creek Enquirer, http://www.battlecreekenquirer.com


19 Comments on 6 teens rob 1 man for sunglasses

  1. Battle Creek is a haven for lefties. It was filled with Social Justice Warriors (before anyone knew what that was) for the last 1/2 century. It’s south of Grand Rapids (where Obama is resettling his beloved moslems) and west of Dearbornistan.

  2. Anyone who pays $2000 for a frickin’ pair of sunglasses has already been robbed once, regardless of what happens to them after he leaves the store.

    P.S. – I wonder if Battle Creek has massive warehouses full of the box tops that we kids used to mail in back in the 50’s to get some crappy cereal promotional offer or another.


  3. Having $500 tennis shoes, lots of bling 2k sunglasses and flashing cash makes you quite a nice target, you might as will just paint a bull’s-eye on yourself.

  4. If you’re stupid enough to wear $2k sunglasses in the ‘hood, then don’t be surprised if you get robbed by a bunch of “teens”… (So sick of that euphemism.).

  5. They had to be noticeably blingy shades, else the youts wouldn’t have taken interest. Does not at all justify armed robbery, however.

    One can hope the youts then kill each other off fighting over them.

  6. I once paid $100 for a pair of sunglasses. I liked them. Had them for years. Then I got married. My wife did not like them. Eventually they got washed accidentally having got stuck in the laundry somehow.

    Never had anything more expensive than $16 from Wal mart since.

    They were real glass, polarized, from a sunglasses Hut store. Sigh.

  7. Vietvet, XM radio channel 148 the old time radio channel is currently playing an 11 part nearly 4 hr. Superman marathon this week from 1948 with Batman and Robin in it. During the original commercial breaks there was an announcer rattling off the names of a list of kids from all over the country who had won prizes in some kind of giveaway. It was pretty cool, man the stuff they used to giveaway was the stuff of kids dreams. And these episodes weren’t even sponsored by Kellgg’s Pep cereal. What a name for a brand of cereal, They were always trying to sucker moms everywhere into buying this stuff because it was supposedly good for you.

  8. “Victim” has $2K sunglasses. “PRPs” liberate said sunglasses. My confusion stems from (a) why are there $2K sunglasses?, (b) Who would buy same, (c) How would six PRPs recognize the opportunity? What do they do, spend all day trolling Cartier catalogs so they can know what to boost? So I did a web search. Apparently the vic is a cheapskate. Just look up “Chopard De Rigo Vision Sunglasses” for a cool $408K and then realize the PRPs had to look into all the available DOWNSCALE models just to know their mark. Something far different than we are being told was going on here…

  9. @Ὀρέστης: Even if I had the money (ha!), if I ever paid $480K for a pair of sunglasses, those suckers had better confer immortality, or something like it.


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