6 unscripted moments that have backfired on Joe Biden this election – IOTW Report

6 unscripted moments that have backfired on Joe Biden this election

Only six. Because no one has time to watch a 12 hour video.

Just The News: Filmmaker and political activist Michael Moore recently advised Democratic nominee Joe Biden to be more “authentic” and show “crazy Joe” to the public. But Biden’s unscripted moments this election have often backfired and stirred controversy.

In February, a 21-year-old economics student, Madison Moore, asked Biden at a campaign event about his loss in the Iowa caucuses, and Biden questioned if she had ever gone to a caucus in-person. When the student replied, “Yes,” Biden said, “No you haven’t. You’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.” The student later said Biden’s comment was “humiliating” and “kind of insulting.”

In March, a construction worker had a heated exchange with Biden over the candidate’s stance on the Second Amendment. The man said Biden was “actively trying to end our Second Amendment right.” Biden told the worker he was “full of sh**” and said, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go outside with you, man.”  more here

10 Comments on 6 unscripted moments that have backfired on Joe Biden this election

  1. There must be hundreds of them over his decades in office. Was Joe ever; foot in his mouth, head shoved up in a sunshine absent place, gaffe free? Many of them should be revived and seen by the public before election day.

  2. This lying old pedophile needs to be taken up on his empty threats and get the crap beat out of him.

    Zero hedge ran a story today about the SS agent that nearly killed him because bite me cupped the agents girl friends breast right in front of him during a “photo op” and had to have other agents restrain him or he would have.

    Freedom watch filed a FOIR for all records pertaining to that indecent but was told point blank by the SS that all records about that incident were intentionally destroyed to protect biden.

    The SS spokesman also told them that they had to keep ALL female SS agents away from bite me because he would continuously grab their asses and breasts and that he made a point of walking around naked when he knew female agents were around.

    He also was outed as being “handsy” at MANY events and no woman or child was safe from his groping hands….

    On one hand I hate the SS for protecting this vile sexual predator and on the other hand I am amazed and appalled at their ability to control their own feelings to the point that they ignore what they know is right just to protect him.

    I cannot say I could show that level of control if he did those things to my wife and now I know why bite me has so very many big beefy agents around to protect him.

    I will NEVER forget that clip of sessions giving biden a standing chop-block when the literally drooling old pedophile was making a B-line for sessions granddaughter…. he got shoved a good 10′ by frail old sessions and the sick old pervert biden acted like nothing happened but the look on sessions face said a different story and if looks sould kill biden would be cooling his heels in hell right now with all the other pedophiles.

  3. None of this makes any difference.

    The leaders of the Chinese Communist Party brought their female toddlers, children and grandchildren, to Mao so that he could satisfy his lusts in exchange for Party favors. The Demonrats would send their children and grandchildren to Biden for prurient purposes if it furthered their careers.

    If you’re willing to kill children, you’re less resistant to perverts having sex with them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Joe has always had an exceedingly high opinion of his intelligence, and hasn’t been shy about belittling people with pronouncements of his “superior IQ.” He has been particularly nasty, and angry, while confronting people who ask pointed questions. His cognitive decline has just exacerbated this nastiness and false sense of his own intellectual superiority. The Dunning-Kruger Effect on steroids.


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