6 Virginia counties voted in favor of keeping their Confederate monuments in place – IOTW Report

6 Virginia counties voted in favor of keeping their Confederate monuments in place

Just The News: The votes, all in rural counties, were on ballot measures that are not law-binding but express voter preferences to boards of supervisors.

In four of the counties, the approval rates for keep monuments exceeded 70%.

In 2020, a Virginia House bill removed language from state law that made it illegal for local authorities to “disturb or interfere with any monuments or memorials.”  more here

5 Comments on 6 Virginia counties voted in favor of keeping their Confederate monuments in place

  1. They just want to preserve their history, It may not be the way that is currently popular. But it existed.History can be like the grand parents you did not like. They were there first, or else you would not be here at all.

  2. Not seeing a lot of happy campers amongst the Trump voters so far, whether it be about Confederate statues, 1-A, 2-A or anything else.

    Hope that preparations have been made for the reparations due from the Democrat donkey to the rest of America. This and jail time is due before anything else gets one more illegitimate vote count.

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