Did Epstein Kill Himself? 60 Minutes investigates the death of Jeffrey Epstein – IOTW Report

Did Epstein Kill Himself? 60 Minutes investigates the death of Jeffrey Epstein


In July 2019, Jeffrey Epstein, already a convicted sex offender, was arrested and charged with sex trafficking by federal prosecutors. On August 10, Epstein was found dead in his federal jail cell at Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC).

The New York City Medical Examiner’s Office ruled Epstein’s death a suicide by hanging, but a forensic pathologist who observed the four-hour autopsy on behalf of  Epstein’s brother, Mark, tells 60 Minutes the evidence released so far points more to murder than suicide in his view. Dr. Michael Baden’s key reason: the unusual fractures he saw in Epstein’s neck.

“There were fractures of the left, the right thyroid cartilage and the left hyoid bone,” Baden said. “I have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging.”

“Going over a thousand jail hangings, suicides in the New York City state prisons over the past 40-50 years, no one had three fractures,” Baden said.

The medical examiner’s office said it stands “firmly” behind its finding of suicide by hanging, arguing that fractures of the hyoid bone and cartilage can be seen in both suicides and homicides.

Still, questions linger.

Epstein was directing money to be deposited in other inmates’ commissary accounts in exchange for protection, sources say, because he feared for his life. But the government says Epstein was suicidal and made his first, failed suicide attempt weeks after he arrived at MCC. 

According to a federal indictment, on July 23 Epstein was found “on the floor of his cell with a strip of bedsheet around his neck.” The government says it was a failed suicide attempt, but Epstein claimed his cellmate, 52-year-old former police officer Nick Tartaglione, attacked him. Tartaglione, who is accused of murdering four men, denied that and his lawyer says: “Absolutely nothing like that happened.” His lawyer also says Tartaglione was cleared by jail officials.

Epstein was put on suicide watch after the incident, but one week later, “at the direction of the MCC’s psychological staff,” he was taken off suicide watch and “required to have an assigned cellmate.”

Cameron Lindsay, a former federal warden and prison consultant, told 60 Minutes this was “a monumental failure on all levels.”

17 Comments on Did Epstein Kill Himself? 60 Minutes investigates the death of Jeffrey Epstein

  1. We all know he didn’t kill himself now we will forever have to listen to theories of if he did or not. Nothing new unless video confirms or a guard ( who doesn’t kill himself ) tells us.

  2. It would be interesting to know for certain if he was killed or not, I tend to think he was, but so far this looks like the perfect murder with any and all evidence of it being obliterated.

    In any event, it would just be answering a curiosity question since it would lead to nothing, all information Epstein had on anyone has been eliminated and any testimony he could have given is now forever gone.

    Ghislaine Maxwell might know something but she isn’t talking and no one knows where she is. I imagine if she did start talking and letting stuff out, the reaction to it combined with the loss of Jeffrey would leave her depressed and suicidal as well and she would probably commit suicide as well.

  3. Okay, you guys, knock it off with the “Epstein didn’t kill himself” malarkey. “60 Minutes” is coming to shut this nonsense down. Mistakes and Errors and Failures happened. That’s all.

  4. @Rick, I do! That fcukstick could have taken down 100’s of these elitist pedophile goofs. Proof of murder opens an investigation, proof of suicide sets 100’s of elitist pedophiles free!

    The Pedocrats were never happier than when they heard Epstein was dead.

  5. Now, who would want Epstein dead?
    Certainly not Epstein – he’d already walked on one conviction, and there’s no reason to assume that his $Billions wouldn’t get him off another.
    Now we KNOW that he videoed multiple parties having sex with underage girls (and probably boys), some of which have access to the thugs and murderers in the FBI, CIA, MI-6, NSA, and various other spook outfits. May have been some treasonous, well-placed criminal who has been investigated by the FBI but whose corrupt influences got her off – I don’t know.
    None of the videos have shown up.
    Maxwell isn’t dead, yet, so you can pretty safely assume that negotiations are currently under way.

    Cui Bono?

    Clear that Epstein didn’t profit from his death. So … who does?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. File this under obscenity, or things ya just can’t prove in a court of law, but we all know it when we see it. Might as well let the mental midgets wrestle with it while we watch the show and shake our heads knowing that it went off as planned… and hang on for the sequel starring Ghislaine Maxwell!

  7. If I’ve learned anything worthwhile in my lifetime it’s the fact that I can no longer trust my own government, which I believe to be directly related to the deep state.

  8. It’s the blatancy of the corruption that worries me. They seem to think it no longer matters what the voters think. Maybe a wholesale flush of the bureaucracy and replacement with non – leftist veterans and active duty soldiers? Loyalty and commitment to the constitution is WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY OTHER QUALIFICATION.

    If you are hiring people to manage something, do you want clever crooks, or people who can be trusted to be on your side?


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