68-year-old Lowe’s employee fired for trying to stop shoplifters has been reinstated – IOTW Report

68-year-old Lowe’s employee fired for trying to stop shoplifters has been reinstated


The 68-year-old Lowe’s employee fired for bravely trying to stop shoplifters from absconding with over $2,000 of stolen merchandise has been given her job back at the Rincon, Georgia, store where she has worked for 13 years.

This corporate about-face appears to have been the result, at least in part, of the widespread recognition of Donna Hansbrough’s dedication as well as the backlash online over the store’s decision to kick a battered victim to the curb over a supposed company policy violation. more

10 Comments on 68-year-old Lowe’s employee fired for trying to stop shoplifters has been reinstated

  1. I understand the idea: companies cannot afford to have their employees think they have to get involve and thereby put themselves in danger. Years ago, a 7-11 employee was fired for the same sort of thing.

    However, we as a society need to realize that when we just watch criminals and let them get away with their crimes, it only emboldens them and they will get more and more brazen. There will come a time when they will start assaulting witnesses (or worse) just for grins an giggles.

    Maybe when customers start getting hurt by these street thugs and businesses start getting sued, businesses will start fighting back against criminals

  2. Ms. Hansbrough has obviously not been educated on her white privilege, and needs to be more sensitive toward the downtrodden victims of systemic racism. Or something. Watch the left dox her and cancel her.

  3. Agreed Matt, I was in line at Walgreens in Vegas and a homeless looking dude is walking out with two twelve packs of beer.
    A small employee on radio is telling him he has to pay as he walks out the door.
    She let him go.
    I thought about confronting him at the door.
    I struggled with it afterward, thinking I should have been the “hero.”
    I’m glad I didn’t at that time but I may in the future, do to my mood at the time.

    Of course another side of me thought “why the hell am I in line to PAY for my merch?”

  4. I know of 4 employees in different stores whop got canned for stopping shoplifters. The businesses that they got a new job at hired good employees. I see shoplifting at Big Lots and Marshalls all the time. I say nothing, because they were the ones who fired employees for stopping shoplifters. I don’t know why the Lowe’s woman would want to work for them any longer.


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