69-yr-old Florida woman says she warned home invader to ‘back off dude,’ but he didn’t – IOTW Report

69-yr-old Florida woman says she warned home invader to ‘back off dude,’ but he didn’t

BPR: A 69-year-old-woman in Florida remembers telling a home invader to “back off” before shooting him dead, she says, as she recalled the day of the alleged invasion.

The United States 2nd Amendment and Florida’s Stand Your Ground state law once again helped save two innocent lives, potentially; they certainly helped stop an alleged home burglary in progress.

“Back off, dude,” are the words Orange County-based homeowner Virginia Morrison recalled shouting at the man who broke into her house in an attempted but botched robbery, according to WESH.

“I fired a shot above him,” she recounted. “‘Back off, dude, I’ll shoot you.’ And he just keeps coming toward me. So I shot him.” more

8 Comments on 69-yr-old Florida woman says she warned home invader to ‘back off dude,’ but he didn’t

  1. Guess he won’t be breaking into any more homes, now will he?

    If each American killed just one criminal – including illegal alien invading rat-people, corrupt politicians, and treasonous FBLiars – we’d solve a whole bunch of problems.

    But, alas … we’re civilized – civilized to death, apparently.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “I hope God can forgive me for taking a man’s life.”

    Thou shalt not murder was the original Commandment and protecting you and yours from potentially being murdered by killing your attacker is not murder. I’m betting God has nothing to forgive you for.

  3. @Tim – FJB May 26, 2022 at 6:59 am

    > we’re civilized – civilized to death, apparently

    “Apparently”. Such a sweet word.

    Just remember, your Uncle Ernie “apparently” kills, rapes, and cannibalizes children (not always in that order). When you’re trying to figure out who can pick “your” kids up from daycare. That their custodial mom doesn’t have time for.


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