6th Circuit Court Upholds Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

6th Circuit Court Upholds Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate

23 Comments on 6th Circuit Court Upholds Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate

  1. @RadioMatt – the 5th circuit made the initial ruling. The appeal was assigned to the 6th circuit, who overturned the initial decision Now it’s headed to the supremes.

  2. I’d be surprised if the SCOTUS heard any case regarding this issue. The majority of them are flaming leftists and are happy about the mandate. If Circuit Court will do the dirty work of covering up Pedo Joes illegal mandate and whitewashing it they’ll be happy to let that court take the heat. The ONLY recourse we have left to stop the criminal insanity the left is shoving down our throats is violence…..up close and personal where a LOT of these commie bastards starty dying.

  3. “BTW, the Supremes might as well get on board with Florida President Ron DeSantis”

    If they rule in favor of Biden/OSHA (or alternately refuse to hear the case), they need to vacate their positions by January, 2023. As in Get.The.Fuck.Out.

  4. @Dan December 17, 2021 at 11:25 pm

    > The ONLY recourse we have left to stop the criminal insanity the left is shoving down our throats is violence…

    So, keep spreading our cheeks for another hundred years?

  5. I don’t know why all these companies that have federal government contracts just don’t tell Biden to stuff it. These companies have the leverage as they do everything for the government. From fixing the toilets in the capital to building the ships and planes for the military.

  6. It’s a beautiful thing, a wonderful thing, put your mask on, get vaxed, take your horse paste if you indulge & keep six feet the fock away from me. Happy holidays, the unvaxed will need to be tested or can eat in the garage, enjoy.

  7. Pray for an unusual display of bravery among the SCOTUS judges.
    This will probably come down to Roberts. ugh

    And, yes. Some companies aren’t really enforcing anything.
    The company my daughter works for (a really big one) never sent any emails or notes telling employees to get vaxxed and she just stopped wearing her mask and no one says a thing.
    It’s one of those be quiet and pretend it doesn’t exist situations.

  8. OMG! I’m seeing reports of RECORD numbers of new COVID cases. Numbers higher than last year at this time.

    What in the world has changed over the past year?

    There was no vax available last December 18th.

    WOW so the vax is spreading covid. Got a better idea?

  9. Zonga – some possible co-factors in your hypothesis:

    (1) Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).

    (2) The vaxes harm people’s immune systems so they’re more likely to catch anything and everything, including Corona virus colds which also test positive.

    (3) The vaxes don’t work (producing only 2 out of 10 antigens) and have caused more mutations than they can count, which are now going to flood the human population, which is what should have been allowed to happen in the first two years.

    (4) Consistent with #3, it’s high time everyone get it, particularly the unvaxed who will develop complete immunity, at least for a time, similar to other Corona viruses.

    (5) The vaxed are going to get COVID over and over and over and over because of the ‘vaccines’…

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