7 Illegal Aliens Indicted for Helping Ron Singh’s Accused Killer Avoid Arrest; More – IOTW Report

7 Illegal Aliens Indicted for Helping Ron Singh’s Accused Killer Avoid Arrest; More

BREITBART: Seven illegal aliens have been indicted by a grand jury for their alleged involvement in helping 32-year-old illegal alien Gustavo Perez Arriaga avoid arrest by California police after allegedly murdering 33-year-old police officer Ronil Singh the day after Christmas.  – MORE


Mexican Army Captures Seven Cartel Gunmen with Grenades near Arizona.

Mexican federal police and soldiers arrested suspected cartel gunmen with an arsenal of rifles, ammunition, and three grenades over the weekend in Agua Prieta, Sonora. The seven were believed to be involved in drug smuggling activities near the Arizona and New Mexico border.

The seven arrested are believed to be operatives of the Sinaloa Cartel, according to local reports and Breitbart News law enforcement sources.

Senior DOD Official: Three Migrant Caravans Headed to U.S., One with 12,000.

There are three migrant caravans headed to the United States’ southern border with Mexico, according to top Pentagon official John Rood.

Rood testified to the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that one of the caravans contains over 12,000 migrants.

“Current information shows that a caravan of over 12,000 people — there’s three that we are tracking, that the DHS is tracking en route, one that is over 12,000 by the latest estimate,” said Rood, who is the under secretary of Defense for policy.

Rood said there are currently more than 2,300 active duty troops at the southern border, down from a high of 5,900 in November.

But he says several thousands more active duty troops are expected to head to the border in the coming weeks, to assist the Department of Homeland Security with laying down more concertina wire, and helping to monitor the border between points of entry.

Democrats, who now control the House, called Pentagon officials in to testify on President Trump’s order of active duty troops to the border in October, which they have called a political stunt by the White House before midterm election.

But defense officials testified that it was the Pentagon — not the White House — decided that active duty troops were able to deploy faster and were better resourced to deal with the caravans headed to the border than National Guard and reserve forces.

9 Comments on 7 Illegal Aliens Indicted for Helping Ron Singh’s Accused Killer Avoid Arrest; More

  1. My neighbor who lives just three doors down the street lost his wife and nine month old to a drunk criminal illegal alien a few years ago. It happened fifteen minutes after I passed the spot where it happened while I was on my way home from work. The rat bastard fled the scene on foot and made his way to the home of relatives twenty miles away. They provided him with money and he took off for the Mexican border four hundred miles away. The Texas Rangers caught him just before he made it. I think the Rangers made it clear to the relatives what was going to happen to them if he made it so they ratted him out. My neighbor still lives down the street where he is raising his other two sons. May Nancy Pelosi burn in hell.

  2. Mexico is more than happy to dump their criminal trash on us so that they don’t have to deal with it. Said trash is sacred to the left because it keeps them in power thus sanctuary status for them all. We’ve had enough of this sick game.


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