7 Obamacare Numbers that have Democrats Panicking – IOTW Report

7 Obamacare Numbers that have Democrats Panicking

Big Government

As the seemingly endless deluge of negative Obamacare developments continue to mount up, the National Journal’s “Hotline” reported on Thursday that “disapproval of the health care law” has “put Democrats on the defensive” heading into the November midterm elections. 

Here are seven Obamacare figures that have Democratic insiders sweating.

1.  56% of uninsured Americans do not like Obamacare.

The Kaiser Family Foundation’s recent polling data reveal that 56% of uninsured Americans–the very people whom Obamacare purports to help–do not like Obamacare.

2.  According to the Obama administration’s own figures, Obamacare will spike premiums on 11 million small business employees.

A new report from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services concluded that two-thirds of small businesses that offer health insurance will pay higher premiums due to Obamacare. That, reports the Washington Post, means 11 million workers can expect their premiums to jump because of Obamacare. Worse for Democrats, because many employers renewed their pre-Obamacare health plans before the end of 2013, many of these rate spikes will be timed to hit beginning in the second part of 2014 right before the November 4 midterm elections.

3.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says Obamacare will kill 2.5 million jobs over the next 10 years.

By creating disincentives to work, the CBO says Obamacare will result in a “decline in the number of full-time equivalent workers of about 2.0 million in 2017, rising to about 2.5 million in 2024.”



12 Comments on 7 Obamacare Numbers that have Democrats Panicking

  1. ObamaCare is socialized medicine.

    ObamaCare is un-American.

    In fact, it’s positively French.

    The demonrat party should, en masse, run off a cliff.

    A real one, not a metaphorical one.

  2. 8. The motivation behind Obama care was 100% to turn this once-great nation into a socialist hellhole by redistributing money so as to punish white people and reward minorities.

  3. Demonishits don’t “panic.” Their commissars shoot them in the back, grab their AK and march ahead destroying everything in their path. Real numbers and stats don’t mean jackshit.

    Did the insects that voted TWICE for a total fraud just give up or something?

  4. The ninth number: in 2010, of the 3,000 pages of the bill no member of congress had read it. Just the kind of number that Minister Farrakhan ( of the Nation of Islam ) would have loved!

  5. I liked my health plan. It was better than any OC plan and cost lots less. I lost it.

    I had a healthy rewards plan. They sent us real money back for going on line and keeping a record of our exersize and healthy eating. Needless to say, Old Lady Gates got a bigger refund. We saved hundreds annually on a plan that cost $2400 less than OC to begin with.

    I lost that.

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