7 People Who Were Sentenced for Same Thing Jussie Smollett Allegedly Did – IOTW Report

7 People Who Were Sentenced for Same Thing Jussie Smollett Allegedly Did



Although the charges that Jussie Smollett allegedly filed a false report were dropped, others charged for the same thing, but lacking Hollywood or political ties, have been prosecuted and sentenced.

In fact, a 30-minute search turned up seven people in Illinois with similar charges to those of Jussie Smollett whose sentences included probation, at the least.

Here are the seven:

  • On November 9, 2011, the RRStar.com reported that a 19-year-old Rockford, Illinois, woman received a sentence of two years probation and 40 hours of community service for filing a false report. She was also ordered to undergo counseling. The woman falsely claimed that “she had been threatened at gunpoint.”
  • On August 28, 2012, CBS Chicago reported that a 47-year-old Riverside, Illinois, woman was sentenced to 18 months probation for filing a false police report. She was also ordered to pay $1,800 in “overtime cost” for Riverside officers who worked extra hours in an attempt to find the individual she falsely claimed assaulted her.
  • On September 30, 2015, the Daily News reported that a 22-year-old Effingham, Illinois, man who filed a false report about “being shot by someone else,” was sentenced to 30 months of probation. He also had to fulfill 100  hours of community service and “pay $5,000 in restitution to the Effingham County Sheriff’s Department.”  MORE

12 Comments on 7 People Who Were Sentenced for Same Thing Jussie Smollett Allegedly Did

  1. Smollett has the advantage of being connected with the 0bamas. I don’t think this is over at all; Someone is going to investigate this and It’s going to come unraveled. I see a huge Win coming in exposing deep, elitist corruption.

  2. I wonder how many times the “criminal power elites”
    can draw on the special laws and treatment account
    they seem to have with the bank of public toleration
    that they are rapidly bankrupting.


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