7 poll workers killed by landmine as Niger votes in presidential runoff – IOTW Report

7 poll workers killed by landmine as Niger votes in presidential runoff

NIAMEY (Reuters) – Seven poll workers were killed during Niger’s presidential vote on Sunday when their vehicle struck a landmine, an election official said, marring a day meant to usher in the country’s first democratic transition of power.

The West African country regularly suffers attacks by Islamist militants and had stepped up security to protect the poll, in which ruling party candidate Mohamed Bazoum is facing former president Mahamane Ousmane.

A vehicle belonging to the electoral commission (CENI) and carrying election workers to their polling stations hit a mine in the rural commune of Dargol in the southwest, said Harouna Mounkaila, the vice president of CENI’s local branch.

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7 Comments on 7 poll workers killed by landmine as Niger votes in presidential runoff

  1. …wait, do you mean poll workers who check people’s ID, get them the right ballot, let their children have pretend ballots to play with to distract them while Mommy votes, helps get blind people a Braille ballot and gives you a sticker?

    Or the kind that locks Republicans out and blocks the windows with cardboard so they can get suitcases full of ballots out for toting up at 3 AM so “their” guy wins?

    …because FUCK that SECOND kind, the more of THEM that blow up, the better…


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