7 Reasons Why the Uranium One Scandal Won’t Go Away – IOTW Report

7 Reasons Why the Uranium One Scandal Won’t Go Away

Epoch Times:

The Trump–Russia collusion narrative is officially dead, now that special counsel Robert Mueller has concluded there is no evidence of collusion.

With the cloud of the Mueller probe lifted, President Donald Trump can now go on the offensive with an attorney general who appears ready to drop the hammer on corruption in Washington. Moreover, Attorney General William Barr doesn’t appear to be intimidated by Democratic lawmakers who have already threatened him with impeachment and even incarceration.

Former President Barack Obama’s allies have lately claimed his term in office was “scandal-free,” a claim his critics find “laughable.” Abuses of power under the Obama administration ranged from drone-strike assassinations of U.S. citizens to the IRS’s targeting of conservatives. In fact, the Obama administration was a magnet for scandals. One of the largest—and perhaps least understood—involves the Russian takeover of Uranium One, a Canadian mining company with large uranium holdings in the United States.

The mainstream press has repeatedly declared the Russian purchase of Uranium One a “debunked conspiracy theory.” But it’s no theory, nor has it been debunked. The Uranium One deal was complicated and had many moving parts, which also explains why misinformation about it has spread widely. Claims such as “the Russians gave Clinton $145 million” and “Clinton sold American uranium to the Russians” are great soundbites, but are factually inaccurate.

It’s true that the Clinton Foundation received undisclosed millions from Uranium One stakeholders—such as the $2.35 million from board Chairman Ian Telfer. The Obama administration did allow the Russians to acquire domestic nuclear assets critical to U.S. national security. But minor inaccuracies in the soundbites have allowed self-appointed fact-checkers such as PolitiFact and Snopes to selectively “debunk” the larger story without critically examining the full set of facts.

In the coming months, readers may find the Uranium One scandal coming back into focus. For that purpose, it’s time to set the record straight.

Here are seven reasons why the Uranium One scandal isn’t going away:

1. Uranium One is the largest foreign-influence scandal in US history.

If you ask any American what the largest political scandal in our history was, you will likely find that former President Richard Nixon’s Watergate affair tops the list. Nixon’s spying on political opponents left such a bruise on America’s collective psyche that adding “-gate” to later political scandals is an homage. For Nixon, the coverup was worse than the crime.  more

6 Comments on 7 Reasons Why the Uranium One Scandal Won’t Go Away

  1. …this goes nowhere. The MAIN point of the “Mueller Probe” was for the Democrats to have an unchangeable vehicle with which to collect evidence on Democrats for their crimes, including THIS one, including evidence against Mueller HIMSELF, and ensure it was destroyed so it could never see the light of day. THIS is why he staffed up with ONLY true-believing Democrats, because he needed a team that he could TRUST with such a sensitive mission to do his bidding without question, even with enthusiasm, and that would ALSO respect the Democrat code of omerta concerning Democrat crimes.

    He had 2 YEARS, and UNLIMITED reach. It’s GONE.

    There’s nothing to see any more. We’ll be moved along to the next Trump tweet being an impeachable offence very, very soon…

  2. There is a veritable Horn-Of-Plenty filled with the inexhaustible gifts and fruits of filthy democRAT corruption out there just waiting for someone to prosecute. Pick one already and run with it. Then when someone starts turning over the rocks and we see whut comes crawling out, William Barr the Door! Uranium One should be near the top of the list!

  3. Communists Hired
    Uranium sold off
    Records hidden
    Cash for Clunkers
    Teleprompters read
    Peace Prize stolen
    Enemies bowed to
    Allies insulted
    Terrorists coddled
    The American People lied to
    Catering for Spineless, Liberal Lemmings
    Treasury looted
    Fingers pointed
    Bushes blamed
    Red Lines crossed
    Monuments Barrycaded
    Phones tapped
    Opposing candidates spied on
    ISIS JV Team Sponsor
    Al-Qaeda “decimated”
    Benghazi Riced
    Healthcare Grubered
    Ferguson Community Organized
    Pernicious Political Activities Hatched
    Police screwed
    Military screwed
    Veterans screwed
    The American people screwed
    Israel screwed

    Thank God there were no scandals though…

  4. The corruption has so many tentacles running throughout DC that you can pull the trigger in any direction and hit a bullseye.
    What makes me a little concerned is how Barr fawned over Rod Rosenstein during his retirement ceremony. I believe RR was as dirty as the others in this scandal so I’m hoping that things aren’t going to be covered up. We should know soon enough.


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