7 students cut their wrists at Maryland elementary school; angry parents notified 2 weeks later – IOTW Report

7 students cut their wrists at Maryland elementary school; angry parents notified 2 weeks later

BPR: A Maryland elementary school has banned pencil sharpeners and angered parents following a frightening incident last month involving seven children.

Officials with Prince George’s County Public Schools launched an investigation after a parent came forward on March 29 about elementary students who reportedly cut their wrists using blades found in pencil sharpeners, according to WTTG-TV.

Thankfully, none of the seven students at William Paca Elementary School in Hyattsville needed to go to the hospital as a school nurse determined the injuries were not serious enough. But all families of the children involved were notified and a team of counselors was dispatched to speak with the students about the incident which took place before spring break. more

20 Comments on 7 students cut their wrists at Maryland elementary school; angry parents notified 2 weeks later

  1. wonder when the light bulb goes off when they realize that pencils are a much more deadly weapon than pencil sharpener blades? ….

    it’s a slippery slope went there is no logic involved

  2. swear to God most parents today need to be Bitch-Slapped … often … they’re upset because they weren’t notified ‘immediately’??? … the kids involved parents were notified!
    … why does everything need to be a freaking crisis? … to validate your parental ‘caring’? … if you fucking cared, you wouldn’t have warehoused your progeny since inception!

    so sick of this crap

  3. If you don’t report injuries and/or abuse by FAMILY MEMBERS upon children, you are legally liable and automatically FIRED.

    If children cut their wrists at school and don’t report it to their parents, –Meh, so what?

  4. Our children no longer belong to us.
    The ‘All-Seeing’, ‘Smarter-Than-Thou’ liberals actually know what is best for everyone’s children.
    In their infamous knowledge, our children would suffer terribly without the relentless, hovering of the socialist, Marxist, communist guidance of the propagandizing liberals.

    This applies to students of the ‘public sector’.
    Be smart, get your kids in a private school.

  5. They took away the pencil sharpeners.

    I think the important question is why were elementary age children even thinking about slicing their wrists?

    I was popular in 6th grade for always having a pencil sharpener.
    Well, lots of other things too.

  6. I have a broken off pencil point tip embedded in my skin. It’s small but still visible after decades.
    Broken off from a friends pencil. It didn’t become visible until several weeks later and then it was too late and healed over. If it’s Lead maybe that explains a lot. Think I’ll keep it.

  7. Curious as to the male to female numbers in this nuttiness. I’ll
    bet at least 7 out of the 10 were girls. (If any males involved they were probably just were feeling “girly” that day)
    Lesson? Private or home school your
    kids where they won’t be exposed
    to so many “bug brains”.

  8. Palmer Park.
    I bought a house in Palmer Park when I was 19 (yeah, I was a “liberal”).
    Fuckin shit-hole – Little Zimbabwe in PG.
    The liquor store was the only working shop in the shopping center, which resembled Beirut.
    Can’t imagine why the l’il denizens of Hyattsville would cut their wrists. I would expect them to be cutting OTHER PEOPLE’S wrists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. We had a guy who slit his wrists crosswise one night in the head when I was in Navy boot camp back in 1972. He didn’t kill himself but made one one hell of a mess in the head. The next morning our Company Commander properly told us if you want to kill yourself that way cut down thru the veins instead of across them. I glad that idiot didn’t kill himself and at the same time it was a little disconcerting to hear from our CC the proper way to slit your wrists and kill yourself. To this day I still don’t know why he tried to kill himself, Navy boot camp was not easy (the Marines and Army had it worse and the Air Force was a bunch of panty waists) but it was not worth attempting suicide because he didn’t like boot camp. I’ve never understood why would anyone want to kill themselves, I’ve known far too many people who’ve committed suicide.


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