70 Christians Beheaded by Radical Islamic Terrorists and Legacy Media Is Silent – IOTW Report

70 Christians Beheaded by Radical Islamic Terrorists and Legacy Media Is Silent

The Fifth Seal

9When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the word of God and the testimony they had given.a a 10They cried out with a loud voice, “Lord,A the one who is holy and true,a how long until you judge those who live on the earth and avenge our blood?b ” 11So they were each given a white robe, and they were told to rest a little while longer until the number would be completed of their fellow servants and their brothers and sisters, who were going to be killed just as they had been.

17 Comments on 70 Christians Beheaded by Radical Islamic Terrorists and Legacy Media Is Silent

  1. So, Christianity trumps race…

    I am a bit torn on this particular issue, as we (USA…) need to focus inward and fix our own shit, but Christians should protect other Christians from harm such as this…

  2. I wonder how silent the “Legacy media” (propagandist presstitutes) would be if Christians started beheading sand chiggers?
    If “Islamophobia” is the supposed fear of Islam (which has yet to be demonstrated, any “examples” are hoaxes), then what do you call what the sand chiggers are doing to Christians?

  3. @ MJA

    Thank you for posting this video and Bible verse. If Christians would acknowledge this Bible verse, they would see that the number of martyrs is a finite set. Jesus said that when that set is complete God’s vengeance and judgment on those who dwell on the earth will BEGIN. (Side note: every time “those who dwell the earth” is mentioned, it is referring to unbelievers.)

    There will be martyrs who come out of the great tribulation and go into heaven, proving that the great tribulation (and all time preceding it) is NOT God’s wrath. That’s hugely important because it disproves the pre-tribulation rapture theory that is the most popular teaching of the timing of the rapture among Church leaders and believers today.

    Pre-tribulationists teach that the tribulation/great tribulation (final 7 years of earth as we know it) is the wrath of God. According to the Bible (Romans 5:9; 1Thes 1:10; 1 Thes 5:9) Christians will not experience God’s wrath therefore they must be removed from the earth before God’s wrath begins; hence they teach and believe pre-tribulation rapture.

  4. A thought for Christians to kick around: God is allowing Islam (the fourth horse which is green) to spread to the U.S. to be used as an instrument of righteous judgment on the church. (Judgment begins in the house of God.) Righteous judgment is not God’s wrath but a tool to bring righteousness. Read 2 Thessalonians.

    The Thessalonians were undergoing severe persecution and Paul told them, “This is a plain indication of God’s righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which indeed you are suffering(2 Thes 1:5)” Why should they be any different than us?

    Jesus is coming back for His church that is without spot or wrinkle. Tribulation produces perseverance which when practiced removes spots and irons out wrinkles.

  5. Wylie1 – Because the Catholic Church was getting tons of Deep State money through USAID and other channels, that’s why. They needed that money to maintain their own wall around the secure borders of the Vatican.

    I am so glad I left the Church.

  6. ❝ It makes those “coexist” bumper stickers look REALLY STUPID. ❞

    I have one of those stickers, but I chopped off the “☪☮” at the beginning. I’d rather “EXIST” (and it would be so much easier) without the Islamists and hippies.


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