71-year-old ‘impaired’ driver plows into pedestrians on a San Diego sidewalk – IOTW Report

71-year-old ‘impaired’ driver plows into pedestrians on a San Diego sidewalk


  • The crash occurred just before 9am on Monday in a short tunnel that runs underneath the San Diego City College campus
  • Three people are dead and five others have been rushed to hospital 
  • The driver, a 71-year-old male, has been taken into custody under suspicion of driving while impaired
  • The exact conditions of the injured pedestrians is not yet known but at least two are believed to be in critical conditions 
  • It wasn’t immediately clear who was among the injured but homeless people are known to set up camp in the tunnel  MORE

33 Comments on 71-year-old ‘impaired’ driver plows into pedestrians on a San Diego sidewalk

  1. What “sidewalk?” Doesn’t look like it’s a legitimate “pedestrian underpass.”

    Boomer revenge? Or maybe a case of excessive light contrast upon entry and then suddenly presented with 8+ vagrants blocking his path?

  2. “The man appeared to lose control of his Volvo station wagon prior to the crash, San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit said. ”

    Will Volvo use this in their upcoming commercials touting the steering control in rough terrain?

    Or will Subaru run it showing how the airbags failed to deploy?

    Then there’s “Only In A Jeep” we could have done it better.

    Etc., etc., etc.
    Quite the advertising opportunity.

    Too soon???

  3. Watched Brad’s video.

    Yes, prayers for the cop, but…
    Ain’t no way that cop should have still been on the job. How many donuts a day were required? What mileage in his vehicle? Two miles to the donut or less?

  4. Brad MARCH 15, 2021 AT 5:59 PM

    Next thing you know they’ll have pregnant women patrolling the streets.

    Remembering my wife before and just after getting home from hospital I sure as hell would follow instructions from one of those…


    NO MAAM!


  5. “Dad? Be careful driving home. I just saw on the news that a car is driving the wrong way on the freeway.”
    “You don’t have to tell me anything,” he replied. “There’s dozens of them!”

  6. manbearpig March 15, 2021 at 6:06 pm

    I have a 90+ year old father-in-law who’s more than half-blind and mostly deaf who insists he should still be able to drive.

    That’s nothing, my mother is 97 and still drives. She took the driver’s test, passed it, and she can drive until she’s 101. Oh, and she drives a Ford F150 4×4. Doctor asked me about her driving, and I told him that’s her freedom and she’s well insured. So, get in line and take your chances.

  7. Btw, on that cop shooting, WTH is wrong with people? How can you carry a phone that contains 3/4 of the worlds knowledge and not know that you’re not going to get away?

    I know these people are not taught rational thinking, but isnt there some vestige of common sense left somewhere within that humongous cranium that would scream “DONT DO THIS”


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