72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List – IOTW Report

72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

WFB: At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker.

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also “were on the terrorist watch list.”

“Back in August, we did an investigation—the inspector general did—of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,” Lynch told Boston Public Radio.

“The [former DHS] director had to resign because of that,” he said.

DHS continues to fail inspections aimed at determining the efficiency of its internal safety mechanisms, as well as its efforts to protect the nation.
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9 Comments on 72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

  1. I don’t work for DHS but I believe I qualify for their fantasy “terrorist” list:

    *Gun Owner
    *Would kick 0bama in the VJ if I had the chance
    *Hate terrorists
    *Hate communists
    *Love our Constitution and God-given rights

    and other things.

    So, if I did work for DHS, would the number of terrorists be 73? Or do they really hire real terrorists, likely to meet 0bama’s quota?

  2. Yes, but are they on the No-Fly List? I guess if you’re on the Terror Watch List, then you’re automatically on the No-Fly List, right? Unless you work for DHS, then you’re OK to fly, maybe? And if you’re on the Terror Watch List, but not on the No-Fly List, do you get to keep your gun when Barky does his EO?

    Remember how the left just laughed and laughed about Bush’s color-coded terror threat level?

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