75 Killed in French Truck Terror Attack; Liveblog – IOTW Report

75 Killed in French Truck Terror Attack; Liveblog

According to French officials, at least 75 people are dead in Nice after a person driving a truck plowed into a group of people.

We will be updating this article as the night goes on.

9:52: Hollande says France will not back down in Syria, Iraq; will stand up to terrorists worldwide who hate free societies.

9:50: French President specifically calls attack a form of “Islamic radicalism.”

9:48: French President speaking now. Calls attack terrorism. Says attacker was shot and killed by police.

9:43: Trump: I would ask Congress for a Declaration of War to combat terrorism.

9:37: Truck driver only known to police for “minor offences.”

9:30: Unconfirmed reports that driver was from Tunisia. Possibly 31-years-old.

9:25: 80 people now confirmed dead.

9:19: French President to address nation at any minute.

9:14: Clinton on CNN: attack shows US needs to stand with allies, NATO.


9:00: A French newspaper’s headline for tomorrow:

8:51: Several news agencies are not airing videos of the attacks because they are “too gruesome.” After watching a few, they are extremely so. You can see one here. Be warned, they are very, very difficult to watch and graphic.

8:40: Despite reports other reports, there is NO hostage situation at the Meridien and Negresco hotels in France.

8:34: 42 people are currently in critical condition.

8:28: 77 people are now confirmed dead.


What we know so far:

-It is Bastille Day in France, the equivalent of our Independence Day. Large groups had gathered to celebrate.

-The truck was a tractor trailer.

-The truck was going relatively slow, from 10-15 miles per hour.

-It was driven over a mile into a group of people.

-The truck was also filled with explosives.

46 Comments on 75 Killed in French Truck Terror Attack; Liveblog

  1. America, and the world, needs to see the video of the carnage that took place in France.

    Find, and put up the damn video so people can see what Islam really is all about.

    It’s time to put on our big boy pants, America.

  2. 77 dead? Dear God, when I left work less than three hours ago, it was only 30.

    God, please have mercy on their innocent souls.

    Of course, I figured out right away it was a terrorist attack–and that was before it even registered that today is a national holiday in France.

    Obama defending Islam in 5, 4, 3, 2……

  3. Yonkers,

    Don’t need Obama to defend Islam because O’Reilly just did it through a phone call from a “Muslim” who said that this has nothing to do with Islam.

    Oh, and by the way, I’d like to thank O’Reilly for letting all of us know that Obama has very emotional ties to Islam 7.5 FUCKING YEARS LATE.

  4. I am also in prayer about this…
    Right now all I want is for the western world to ban Islam, absolutely and completely. Ban it. Outlaw it.
    It’s not bigoted to ban a religion that LITERALLY commands it’s followers to murder, plunder and carnage people who don’t worship their damn moon devil. Time to stop the insanity. Time to elect Trump.

  5. You can find some very graphic video of the aftermath on LiveLeak. I agree with Tsunami, and probably most of the rest of you, that people need to see the bodies to understand the threat on a gut level.

  6. People do need to see the bodies. People need to wake the fuck up.

    I bet some of my intellectual libertarian friends will plaster the airwaves with how “these are a few bad apples…”. Yes, very bad apples. Rotten to the bleeding core.

    And you know what… it’s more than likely that the “authorities” already knew about these cocksuckers.

  7. It’s about time the people responsible for saddling all of Europe with this plague get dragged out into the street and dealt with. Otherwise these people die in vain. Enoughs enough.

  8. Once again we’ll hear more bullshit from the asshole in the White House who refuses to use the term iSlamic terrorism when confronted with the obvious!
    And once again we’ll hear about the few bad apples as Shaunqueefus says. The problem is Leftists and defecRats in general promote this propaganda while bleeding-heart liberals, the dumbed-down, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, Rainbow Plantation, Diversity-loving, kumbaya-singing, bobble-headed Eloi that they are, will probably want to organize a love-in demonstration for oppressed muzlims!
    They just need a hug!
    Isn’t that the latest line of crap from the Lynch mob?
    Meanwhile we continue to wait for the Million Muzzie March against terrorism.
    I don’t know about yous guys, but I don’t have 1400 years to wait!

  9. I hope the French people rise up and say “enough”.
    A Frexit would be a good start, then maybe they could channel their ancestors that put the guillotine to good use against feckless pols.

  10. I am not emotionally moved. Sorry. These frogs threw open the doors to their country and welcomed these Muslim scum in to run roughshod over their country.
    They are in full surrender/appeasement mode, as is all of Europe. Except maybe the Brits.

    That’s what you get when you let 7th century savages into your homeland and prostate yourselves before them.

    Obama is doing the same in his host country, he not being raised as an American. Americans, on the other hand, will not suffer this bullshit for much longer. If it isn’t solved in November it will be solved up close and personal and with malice.

  11. Honestly, I am a bit disappointed, I was hoping to see several BLM protesters flat as a pancake with a tattered banner or picket signs with tire marks.. ~Sarcasm~

  12. This is not nice but it would be poetic justice if one of 0bamas daughters becomes a victim of Islamo Fascism just to set the record straight considering how he refuses to acknowledge the problem that the rest of us must live with because of him.

    just saying

  13. Trump and a Declaration of War. At first, I thought wtf? Then I had a flashback to Reagan and the fear he put into the hearts of our enemies during the campaign, and before. Trump will get blasted by the usual suspects for the remark, but he’s going to bring in even more voters. Trump’s message today served two purposes. Well done.

  14. It’s gonna get uglier and bloodier until we learn to get a lot uglier and bloodier on their asses! These cave-men only understand a bigger hammer and pain. Lots of pain.
    Nice doesn’t work.
    COEXIST bumper stickers ain’t gonna do it.
    Negotiations, reasoning and agreements don’t mean a damn thing.
    Start thinning their herd cuz if you don’t… they’ll be thinning ours!

  15. The reason this sort of thing is so hard to fight (once you let them in) is that it is so low tech. And that’s the rub with the whole of Islam. They are barely out of the 7th century but what destruction they cause WORKS.
    So of course the ONLY solution is to either not let them in, or bring in the scoops. Eternal Vigilance

  16. This should take a while to “untangle.” Let us not “rush to judgement.” The truck could have had a breaking problem. The driver may have had a heart attack. Climate change could be a factor. We need a commission to get to the bottom of this. NATO has to pay more attention to this sort of stuff. We need to get INTERPOL involved in this. The CIA should be allowed to speak with the FBI.
    And I’m losing my freaking mind.

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