YakimaHerald: Yakima officials want a former employee to pay back nearly $800 in taxpayer money she spent on her own office farewell party.
Farewell parties aren’t uncommon for city employees, but costs are usually limited to simple snacks and soft drinks. When former Human Resources Director Cheryl Ann Mattia resigned in December, she ordered $757.40 worth of gourmet cupcakes baked by the White House Cafe in Yakima. more
But don’t you really want to know WhoTH paid for those “highlights?”
Had she been about 20 years younger, I think they or someone would have gladly picked up the tab. It’s a bitch getting old.
It’s clear she was only feeding the starving employees, well and maybe a doggie box for later.
Phyllis Diller – “Aaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!”
If I was not a geezer, I could probably have eaten her cupcake for free.
How about this? Broke my leg on the third floor, and the ambulance crew was all women. I had to slide my own ass down two sets of stairs. A 17 mile ambulance ride for $868? If I’d only known, I would have crawled to the hospital.
My conclusion is that we live among pigs, but have just failed to notice it.
Was this a Stripper cupcake?
All those business lunches with Little Debbie should’ve been a tip off….
Her boss. She wears a t-shirt that says, “My boyfriend’s wife hates me.”
winston churchill said…. “cats think they are above us, dogs think they are below us, pigs treat us as equals”
She reminds me too much of someone I work with that spends all day (loudly) on the phone complaining about all the work she has. Her office mates were probably glad she is out of there so they can work in peace.