8 Crazy Things Bernie Has Said To Propagandize Socialism – IOTW Report

8 Crazy Things Bernie Has Said To Propagandize Socialism

Bernie comes with baggage, and the American public rejected him. Looking at how his campaign is awash in money, however, indicates socialism is not going away.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders likes to say his political ideology never changed. In his case, consistency is not a positive.

Over the course of decades in public life, Sanders has made multiple statements praising and apologizing for socialism all over the world. Here are a sampling, as well as explanations for why he’s dangerously wrong.

1. Bread Lines Are Great

“It’s funny sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is because people are lining up for food. That’s a good thing. In other countries, people don’t line up for food, rich people get the food and poor people starve to death,” said the independent from Vermont in the 1980s.

I’m not sure which are the “other countries” people don’t line up for food in yet starve to death. They certainly do both in Venezuela. In the Soviet Union, one of the implied not-so-bad countries, people did starve to death from time to time, especially during the several rounds of collectivization, most notoriously the 1932-33 Holodomor famine when Joseph Stalin killed millions.

Even when there was no mass starvation, Soviet people lived in what can be described as perpetual food insecurity, or not knowing where the next meal will come from, and in what form. One joke went: “A man walks into the store, and asks: ‘Do you have any sausages?’ The clerk answers: ‘Not really. Here, we don’t have any milk. The store across the street doesn’t have any sausages.’”

Soviets scurried through the cities and towns, trying to buy something good for the table. If a needed product arrived at a store, a line formed immediately. Because there was no guarantee that those at the back of the queue would be able to purchase it, fights and quarrels were common.

Grocery store lines are never a good thing; they are a sign of shortages and food insecurity.

2. Cuba Is a Socialist Paradise

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8 Comments on 8 Crazy Things Bernie Has Said To Propagandize Socialism

  1. That bread line thing, I learned about that from a Russian. She (now US citizen) told me that she would wait in a long line in the morning, and sometimes she would be near the end of the line because she had to come to the bread shop after work. Sometimes, some dude would come out and hand people rainchecks when they ran out of bread. Did that mean she would get an extra bread tomorrow? Pfft. NO! She got a spot at the head of the line for next time. If they felt like allowing it.
    Oh and there’s no hoarding in socialism/communism.
    She told me she could barely tolerate to stand in line when she came to America. She would either get anxious or she would want to start crying (on the inside). Even if the line was only 5 people deep. She would have to take a deep breath and remind herself where she is.
    How fucked up is that?

  2. Obviously, when I’m voting I decide who I want to vote for. But I also do it for my mom who came here escaping socialism, and my Russian friend who came to escape communism, and people like my friend in the 4th grade who fled Laos on foot with her sibling and an uncle or aunt (I forget which). No foreigner should bust their ass to become an American only to have a dumb ass like bernie and his clueless followers put them back in a shit hole.

  3. Once again Crazy Bernie should be publically asked to name even one time that anyone paddled a makeshift raft 90 miles TO Cuba!
    Socialism didnt make the United States the richest, most powerful, most generous nation on the face ofthe planet!
    Capitalism, faith, hard work and sweat did all that!!

  4. I went to Russia/Romania in college in the early “80s. The only thing on the shelf was tomato juice w/twigs in it. The vodka certainly helped! We dined except fairly well in the hotels except for the mystery meat.


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