8 Criminals, Abusers and Harassers Who Remain Verified on Twitter – IOTW Report

8 Criminals, Abusers and Harassers Who Remain Verified on Twitter

Breitbart: Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos had his Twitter verification removed this week for unknown reasons, prompting a huge social media backlash.


Many suspect that Yiannopoulos was unverified thanks to his outspoken libertarian views.If the recent suspension of Adam Baldwin is anything to go by, it’s certainly risky to be a conservative or libertarian on Twitter.

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But what crimes can you get away with on Twitter? We’ve compiled a list of some notorious baddies of the modern age: murderers, rapists, pedophiles — all of whom nonetheless retain their blue tick on Twitter. Unlike poor Milo.  MORE

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7 Comments on 8 Criminals, Abusers and Harassers Who Remain Verified on Twitter

  1. Congratulations to Twitter….you have morphed into Totalitarianism…thereby becoming ‘mainstream’
    …it’s a ‘red’ letter day! ……. “shiny, happy people…”

  2. Twits need a place to hang out together.
    What is wrong with their desire to keep those who aren’t twits out of the group.
    Freedom of association should be vigorously defended.

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