8 Immigration Victories Won for Americans in 2016 – IOTW Report

8 Immigration Victories Won for Americans in 2016

Breitbart: Last year was a success for Americans who are fed up with mass immigration, outsourcing, and trade deals that they think are hollowing out their society.

Here are a handful of wins from 2016—victories achieved by Americans in the face of opposition from the media, big business, the political establishment, and progressives.

1) The collapse of Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio. Bush infamously called illegal immigration an “act of love” and wanted to force middle-class Americans to compete with an unlimited supply of foreign professionals for decent jobs. He said he wanted to grant legal status, and U.S. citizenship, to tens of millions of illegal aliens. He declared enforcing immigration law was not an “American value.” Rubio, of course, pushed for the nation-killing “Gang of Eight” bill that would have flooded America with 33 million new migrants seeking U.S. jobs and granted amnesty plus an unlimited supply of foreign college graduates and refugees —after swearing to the Tea Party voters who put him in the Senate he would never vote for an amnesty bill. GOP voters reacted by tanking Bush in South Carolina and dealing Rubio a humiliating defeat in Florida during the Republican primaries.

2) Electing Donald Trump as President of the United States. Voters elected Trump not because he was a billionaire celebrity who writes his own tweets, but because he campaigned at great personal expense and risk to build a wall, deport illegal aliens, reform contract-worker programs, halt the illicit drug trade, prevent Islamic terrorism, renegotiate trade deals outsourcing U.S. jobs, and curb American involvement in never-ending Middle Eastern conflicts. Rubio and Bush were comically out of touch with Americans’ concerns about these issues. In a mere 18 months, the conventional wisdom about ratcheting up immigration and handing out amnesty to illegals was swept away. Trump’s first term is very promising for pro-American immigration reformers—and at the very least, Hillary Clinton will never have the chance to make her open borders “dream” a reality.

3) Victims of illegal alien crime and their families receiving national awareness, sympathy, and outrage on their behalf. Forget reporters calling them a “hate group” and a “hate rally”—for the first time these long-suffering families told their stories directly to their fellow citizens on the national stage and asked for justice. Celebrities are told they’re “so brave” for posing nude and tweeting about women’s’ rights, but it takes real courage to recount your son’s death at the hands of an illegal alien, publicly, in the hopes no parent is ever made to suffer such a loss. Illegal alien crime is almost completely preventable, and Americans rewarded the only candidate who took their side in this crisis with the presidency.  MORE

4 Comments on 8 Immigration Victories Won for Americans in 2016

  1. The collective voice of the majority of people regarding illegal immigration was heard in the presidential election.

    Did ryan and mcconnel hear it?
    Will they “again” ignore the voice of the people in favor of special interests and their personal agenda?
    I have no faith in either to do what is needed.

  2. American is a sleeping giant. The traitors within who were destroying this country are about to find out why they were tossed out of office by the awakened majority. I don’t count all those illegal aliens who voted in California or those stay at home voters in Detroit among the majority. God speed, Donald Trump.

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