8 out of 52 GOP Senators Are Pushing Amnesty or Outsourcing Bills – IOTW Report

8 out of 52 GOP Senators Are Pushing Amnesty or Outsourcing Bills

Breitbart: At least eight of the 52 GOP Senators are pushing various amnesty and outsourcing bills, despite polls showing massive opposition among Republicans, Democrats and independent voters.


The business-first amnesty bills would greatly expand the annual inflow of migrants, create a huge wave of chain migration, dramatically increase poverty and federal spending,  force many Americans to the economic sidelines — and would also make GOP politicians into a powerless minority when voters turn their backs and Democrats grow confident they will soon have California-like majorities in the House and Senate.

Three of the GOP’s outsourcing-and-amnesty Senators — Sens. John Cornyn, Roy Blunt and Cory Gardner — are in the GOP’s Senate leadership group, even though most of the GOP Senators burned by the 2013 “Gang of Eight” fiasco are keeping away from the TV cameras in 2017.

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9 Comments on 8 out of 52 GOP Senators Are Pushing Amnesty or Outsourcing Bills

  1. “And would also make GOP politicians into a powerless minority when voters turn their backs and Democrats grow confident they will soon have California-like majorities in the House and Senate”. Hey, no problem, when this happens the Republicraps will just switch parties and claim to be solid, true blue Democraps (Which they are now but won’t admit it publicly)

  2. Excommunication offense.

    Any Republican that brings up a gun control bill / amnesty, or votes on one, is booted out of the party the next day.

    That’s the only way to assure Republican platform loyalty. You stick to the party or you’re not in the party.

  3. Find the most powerful Senator in the group and make him the target of a PAC that starts the ads now to put him in a nomination fight. Dirty up his reputation, bring his voting history in and how it’s supported the left while hurting the american worker, get statistics from his constituency and at the same time get some interviews. Don’t name a successor, just describe what their attributes would be such as honesty, a personwhokeeps their word, believer in the American dream where anyone can make it if they work hard enough etc etc etc. Start now and go through to Christmas then get pick another and start the same message with them. I suspect the others would change their tune fast enough.

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