8 Quotes From The ‘Experts’ That Aged Horribly – IOTW Report

8 Quotes From The ‘Experts’ That Aged Horribly

Blue State Conservative: I began an article yesterday with the line: If coordinated lies could stop the spread of respiratory viruses, Covid would have ended in March of 2020. It applies just as much to this article. The following quotes come from Tony Fauci, Joe Biden, Rochelle Walensky, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, and others who promised – promised! – us that the vaccines were going to end this alleged pandemic.

From the beginning, all talk of preventative care, repurposed drugs, alternative treatments were not only ignored but disparaged. Several states threatened to pull the licenses of doctors and pharmacists who either prescribed or filled prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Even now, a doctor in Maine has had her license suspended and made to undergo a psychiatric evaluation for dispensing these beneficial treatments. (Seriously, even if they did nothing, how is that worse than injecting yourself with a brand-new, lab-made cocktail of goodness knows what?). It isn’t just medications; something as cheap and simple as supplementing with vitamin D or going outside in the sun were actively suppressed. Southern California, home to some of the most beautiful landscapes and endless supply of Pacific sunshine, shut down beaches and parks upon threat of arrest. 

From the beginning, only vaccines would get us out. They told us that. They promised us that. We would have to die unnecessarily at home since hospitals didn’t treat anything and sent us home until we were too sick and every potential medication was blackballed, but it would all be worth it. If only we hunkered down until a vaccine could be developed, then there would be an eventual light at the end of the self-imposed tunnel. Amazingly, right after Donald Trump was defeated, pharmaceutical companies announced their foregone results to the world: The vaccines were here and life could get back to normal.

Don’t take my word for it; take theirs:

6 Comments on 8 Quotes From The ‘Experts’ That Aged Horribly

  1. Precisely zero of the eight experts are banned anywhere for misinformation and are still allowed to freely spill misinformation like water over the falls of niagara. Meanwhile anyone who said the opposite of what they said (ie, the truth) was met with instant depersoning.

  2. The question remains… what is the true purpose of the shots? The level of hysteria, the level now of coercion, after the shots prove inadequately effective at their stated purpose, what is the real reason for this? Sink, swim, shit or go blind, the one thing a person can absolutely count on in this debacle… never, ever, ever trust the government or its lackeys on any subject at any time.

  3. “Now we know that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.”

    Mayby Richard Maddow is right. People who have been vaxxed are so good a place for the virus to live that it doesn’t want to go to anyone else.

    However, there could be an outbreak of the polio virus and it would prbably be called a new variant of COVID-1984.

  4. Add in all the quotes from Nov 2020 where Biden/Kamala et al would never take Trump’s vaccine that was made too quickly with warp speed and shouldn’t be trusted.


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