8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called. Republicans Lead All 8 Races. – IOTW Report

8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called. Republicans Lead All 8 Races.

Daily Wire: The results from eight U.S. House races have still not been finalized in the 2020 elections nearly four weeks after election day. The Republican candidates in all eight races currently are leading their Democrat opponents. See more

8 Comments on 8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called. Republicans Lead All 8 Races.

  1. If we win all 8, that would make it 220 vs 215.
    Literally, all we would need is 3 to switch D to R and it’s 217 to 218.
    Win the cases for President REelect Trump and we would have the trifecta.

    Impossible to accept that President Trump coattails nearly took the House and lost the presidency.

  2. Looks like Dems have trouble counting, or maybe they just can’t bring themselves to finish the count because the R’s are going to win. Also could be they were going to cheat but with all the heat on voter fraud they got cold feet.


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