8 years after hope and change, voters are angry, anxious – IOTW Report

8 years after hope and change, voters are angry, anxious

NBP: ARVADA, Colo. (AP) — Eight years ago, Barbara Conley was one of the millions of Americans swept up in Barack Obama’s promises of hope and change when he accepted the Democratic nomination at a packed football stadium a few miles from her home in the Denver suburbs.

But those optimistic days are almost unrecognizable to Conley now.

With Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton preparing for their own nominating conventions, the 68-year-old independent is filled with so much frustration at the candidates and the political system that propelled them to victory that she can’t even imagine voting in November.

“I’m so mad about both of the candidates,” said Conley, who finds Clinton too dishonest and Trump too unproven to be president. She paused while loading groceries into her car and declared, “It’s depressing.”

Less than four months before Election Day, that same sense of anger and anxiety runs deep with voters across the country. Trump and Clinton will each try to paint a rosy picture of life under their leadership during their back-to-back conventions, but it seems unlikely either can quickly shake Americans out of their bad mood.  more

8 Comments on 8 years after hope and change, voters are angry, anxious

  1. One moron said, “Or can we rally for a box that says, can we get a do-over?”

    The first moron said Trump was a non starter because, get this now, he’s unproven! He’s a winner bitch, has been his whole life. His businesses and his family tell the tale. Compare what he’s accomplished with Hillary…oh wait, you can’t because she hasn’t done anything and her husband is a rapist/thief/traitor.

    Yaknow I’m happy for every Trump vote but for you I’ll make an exception-you’re too fucking stupid. You were “swept up” with Obama-do us all a favor-FOAD.

    Now to the New Boston Post. They shitsheet could have gone a dozen different ways but obviously the story they want to smear the wall with is the public’s dissatisfaction with both parties. I see the same bullshit in the NYT and WaPo. That’s why they loved the Sweaty Thumb, he was the epitome of the “smart” GOP, the principled GOP that would take a pass this time and get ‘er done in 2020.

    They fail to note that Trump received more votes then anyone in R history while at the same time uttering destroying the GOPe and the CoC candidates. Fuck them, it ain’t working anymore assfaces.

  2. Trump unproven? Didn’t hurt Obama! No accomplishments on the way into the presidency, and now only destruction on the way out.
    Hillary is proven….liar, cheat, thief. Proven to be unable to protect national security. Proven to continue to take US down road established by Obama. Ruinous.

  3. The ‘voters’ they reference here in CO were predominantly most likely disgruntled Bernie supporters. Hillary has very little support overall in CO except with Dem leaders/delegates and Bernie signs and bumper stickers are still an overwhelming sight. He even has some murals around town.
    No doubt voters are angry but I don’t think CO is a great place to extrapolate general voter sentiment. Since legalizing pot we’ve become a millennial socialist mecca. Here they want a more leftist agenda than Hillary is offering. I can only hope this isn’t typical of the country. And yes our days here are numbered as we plan to move to TX next year.

  4. I suppose carelessness, incompetence, etc. serves as an explanation for political neophytes but we at IOTW know there has been a purposeful agenda for the past seven plus years and will continue if Hillary wins.

  5. “promises of hope and change”

    nice words and sentiments.

    but what or whose “hopes” and what or whose “changes”?

    they should have asked before casting that wonderful historical
    racist “anti racist” vote right?

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