80 ‘Suspicious Actors’ and ‘Material Witnesses’ Under Scrutiny by Jan. 6 Defense Attorneys – IOTW Report

80 ‘Suspicious Actors’ and ‘Material Witnesses’ Under Scrutiny by Jan. 6 Defense Attorneys

Epoch Times
Joseph M. Hanneman

Court filing suggests entrapment operation run against the Oath Keepers by highly coordinated group

Defense attorneys are seeking to identify and investigate 80 suspicious actors and material witnesses, some of whom allegedly ran an entrapment operation against the Oath Keepers on January 6, 2021, and committed crimes including the removal of security fencing, breaching police lines, attacking officers, and inciting crowds to storm into the Capitol.

In a motion (pdf) and supplement (pdf) filed after 11 p.m. on May 5 in federal court in Washington, attorney Brad Geyer listed 80 people, some of whom he said could be government agents or provocateurs. The people are seen on video operating in a coordinated fashion across the Capitol grounds on January 6, the attorney alleged.

Geyer’s suggestion of an entrapment scheme will resonate with dozens of January 6 defense attorneys, coming shortly after two men were acquitted of an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). There was a hung jury on charges against two other defendants. The jury in that case was allowed to consider FBI entrapment as a defense.

Geyer, who represents Oath Keepers defendant Kenneth Harrelson, is seeking a court order from U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta compelling federal prosecutors to help identify the individuals and disclose whether they were working for law enforcement or any government agency on January 6. Geyer wrote that the information is exculpatory, which compels the government to produce it. Other Oath Keepers defendants are expected to join in the motion.

The May 5 filing comes on the heels of an April 12 Oath Keepers motion that alleged at least 20 “assets” from the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) were embedded in the crowds on January 6. MORE

10 Comments on 80 ‘Suspicious Actors’ and ‘Material Witnesses’ Under Scrutiny by Jan. 6 Defense Attorneys

  1. “80 suspicious actors” ?!
    Their count is WAY way off. There are 100 Senators, 541 CONgresscritters, the SCOTUS, the good citizens at Dominion, the sewage of the MSM, former SecDef Epps, Gen MilleyVanilly, etc, etc. literally AD INFINITUM.

    You’d need a big place to round up all the suspicious actors, say a military base, e.g. Guantanamo.

  2. And? If they’re proven “suspicious”? Defense attorneys’ fees will be paid by The Federal Reserve? Defendants will be compensated for “losses, pain, and” (feelzy) “suffering”?

    The Process(TM) is punishment! You do not need to be, nor be found Guilty(TM). Of anything!

    You, merely, need be targeted. By a Loyal(TM) Party member, in Good Standing(TM).

    The prinxesses of The Courts(TM) know this. Their Sacred Honor(TM) (singular), is why the are where they are.

  3. The so-called public servants in the house and senate, who took a solemn oath or affirmation to support the constitution and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.

    Very few of these elected oath takers have stepped forward during the attacks of patriotic citizens of January 6th by the DOJ, FBI, ATF, Speaker of the House and the Capitol Police.

    The Oath, including the closing, “So Help Me God”, bears no significance to the majority of these “self-serving” public servants. They sit on their hands as those accused face a stacked kangaroo court of political appointees funded by we the people.

    Our government is filled with employees who are part of the weaponized federal agencies. They are there to enforce the ideological bidding of the President.
    Justice? I say not.

  4. @cato May 10, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    > The so-called public servants in the house and senate, who took a solemn oath or affirmation to support the constitution

    The Rules(TM) [including The Constitution of The United States] are subject to change (with, or without, notice), by design.

    The An Heroes(TM), of whom you write, swear their Sacred Honor(TM), to empty thrones. Empty, when they swear. They will obey any demonic command. From anything settled upon a throne. As long as they can claim, “I was only following orders!”. And the checks clear.

    That. Full stop. Is who they are.

    That. Full stop. Is what they are.

    That. Full stop. Is why they are equipped. To rape, torture, and kill (not necessarily, in that order) the “enemies” (subject to change, with or without, notice) of whatever settles itself, upon said thrones.


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