800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid At ONE company – IOTW Report

800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid At ONE company

Conservative Treehouse: No-one really knows the scale of how many illegal aliens are currently embedded within the U.S. workforce because the immigration laws and employment laws are in conflict.

However, as one example – a single commercial Chicago Bakery, Cloverhill, was audited (raided) by Immigration and Customs Enforcement recently and a full one-third of their 2,400 employee total workforce was illegal.

CHICAGO — A Chicago bakery lost 800 workers to an immigration raid earlier this year.

Bloomberg reports that the Cloverhill Bakery on the Northwest Side, lost more than a third of its employees who didn’t have sufficient documentation.

The Swiss-based company makes hamburger buns for McDonald’s and other chains.

A spokesman said the bakery is struggling to replace staff, is facing pressure to raise wages, and has lost $21 million due to the disruption.   read more

23 Comments on 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid At ONE company

  1. What I find extremely irritating is the revolving door of illegal alien busts and then employers rehiring the same people under different names. It’s a complete waste of taxpayer money to pay for the legislation and the enforcement by police, courts, lawyers, etc, etc, etc. It’s the employers who should be arrested, fined, jailed.

  2. And nobody at the bakery even I have the slightest idea there many of them were illegal, there not being able to speak English or no SSA cards might have been clues. I’ll bet they used e-verify! Fine them an enormous amount of money!!

  3. It may be a Swiss Company but it doesn’t mean an Arrest Warrent can’t be issued for the company President. In the meantime the location manager as well as the HR staff are busted and tossed in the slammer. Unless and until the laws are enforced against american owners/managers there is always incentive to hire illegals.

  4. “A spokesman said the bakery is struggling to replace staff, is facing pressure to raise wages, and has lost $21 million due to the disruption.”

    It’s your own fault and responsibility your scum bags.


    If you try to buy some weed off of some hustler, THEY CAN TAKE YOUR CAR! Heck, they even confiscate grandma’s home if some kid is smoking a joint in it.

    Why are businesses not confiscated, sold off, and owners sit in prison? Guess how many businesses will be throwing people out the door if that happens even once.

  6. Had my social security number stolen from 1999 through 2001….The IRS was pissed and raked me a bit, but lost….THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION recognized fraudulent use of my social security number and did nothing. Notified no-one, just cashed the donation and didn’t credit my account because the name didn’t match my SSI number. I will get nothing for Jose Gordinez Pinion contributions to my benefits package….benefits package?….LOL….

  7. @LBS….yeah….had my credit card skimmed at Radio Shack and before I got home(15 min) there was a call from my credit card company wanting to know if I had bought bus tickets from Juarez Mexico to Dallas…..I think it was an Irish name….O’Sanchez….LOL…

  8. willysgoatgruff

    I’ll see you and raise you two first class round trip tickets to Taiwan. And the bastards let the charges go through. Mean while I use my debit card EVERY night at my favorite grocery store and they’ve (VISA) have determined they were suspicious charges numerous times and stopped the transaction. Sharp as a marble. Took us three weeks to get the money back from the plane flights.

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